Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason closed his bedroom door, He began doing some crunches and press ups.

Jason and Robbie sat at the table sandy was making dinner, jason knew that robbie had realized something was up with him  but robbie wasn't to fussed on finding out not really he was just curious he just had to act like his normal self without raising anymore suspicion.

"Robbie" jason said robbie looked up from the magazine he was reading "what do ya want" he snapped jockingly, jason smirked "ya want to play cards" robbie just starred "jason, we arent kids" he laughed slightly jason just grinned robbie rolled his eyes "fine", they left the table.

Sandy grinned as she watched her son's playing together laughing and having fun.

Jason sat down to eat his dinner for once robbie was looking elsewhere and not at jason great he thought as he pretended to eat, and pushed it around.

Jason went to his room after his run he starred in the new mirror sandy had got the twins after jason broke the previous,His jeans were feeling more baggy not by much but it still felt good.

He took his shirt off and starred at his reflection he imagined what he wanted to look like he kept the image in his head as he looked at his body.

Suddenly the door burst open and ziggy ran in "jase were going for a..." he starred at Jason who looked terrified, jason grabbed his shirt "GET OUT STOP LOOKING AT ME" he yelled  ziggy just starred at his brother who was quickly putting his shirt on "Jason what are you doing" he asked still shocked, jason yelled "GET OUT I WONT TELL YOU AGAIN" ziggy left the room he knew it would be best, what had he just ran into what was jason doing?

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