Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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*I just realized that's possibly the longest day ever, I forgot that it was the same day jason collapsed with robbie!

Ziggy grabbed Jason's arm "Get off me!" Jason yelled.

Robbie was sat down stairs with Freddie, Freddie turned down the volume on the tv, "What the fuck is going on, up there!?" Freddie muttered turning the tv volume back up, Robbie just shrugged.

Ziggy was stronger than Jason so even though Jason tried desperately to pull away ziggy had tight grip round his thin wrist,  ziggy rolled up the sleeve to reveal a bleeding cut on his brothers arm "Holy...shit" ziggy frowned, jason starred maybe ziggy wouldn't think, I mean ziggy wasn't the brightest he could probably pretend he cut his arm, yeah that's what I'll do jason thought, "Its nothing! Really" jason muttered wincing at the pain in his arm as ziggy still had grip, "No jase this is bad" ziggy muttered, "Right there is bandages and things down stairs, Come on" ziggy muttered as he helped Jason up, "NO! please" jason protested, Robbie and Freddie were down stairs and they would be less likely to accept the fact he had cut his arm, but ziggy didn't back down he  always made a fuss when someone fell or whatever so ziggy pulled him down the stairs.

Freddie and Robbie were sitting on the couch when ziggy burst in with jason, Freddie looked up "Why ya dragging him?" Freddie asked as he starred at ziggy who was pulling jason along by the hand, ziggy didn't reply he just walked in and sat jason at the table and passed him the damp cloth "Use that!" He muttered as he grabbed the box sandy kept all the bandages and dressings.

Freddie followed him "What are you doing..." he stopped and noticed jasons cut "Oh shit...how did you get that?" He asked as he took the cloth and held it on Jason's arm, "well?" Freddie mumbled, jason starred "Its nothing I just fell"  Jason asked wincing at the pain as Freddie held the cloth against his arm.

Robbie got up a few minutes later to see what everyone was doing, "What is going on?" Robbie asked standing against the wall, Freddie looked up and ziggy looked at jason "He cut his arm pretty bad, were just cleaning it" ziggy muttered as he passed Freddie the bandage.

Robbie walked over to jason and starred at the cut and then back at jason he didn't say anything he just starred at jason.

Jason looked away awkwardly, did he know what it was? 

Freddie bandaged up Jason's hand andthen patted him on the back "Right there you go!" He said smiling at jason, ziggy ruffled his hair and they both left.

Later that day joe had been asking loads of questions and fussing about how he should of been told "Stop worrying, we looked after him! Didn't we jase!?" Freddie said raffling Jason's hair, jason smiled weaklily and then nodded "Yeah, I'm fine" Jason muttered, Joe nodded and and smiled.

Jason felt someone watching him he turned round to find Robbie starring at him, he looked worried and confused, "What!" Jason yelled, Robbie just glared "What?" He muttered.

That night Jason was sat on his bed, Robbie walked over and starred "Well?" Robbie mumbled, jason looked at him "Well what?" He asked nervously, Robbie glared " Well, Your going to tell me what really happened" robbie replied.

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