Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Hello! Someone said they'd like Holly to be in the story so she will come in in the next chapter!  For those who maybe don't remember Holly was the one who triggered his eating issues because he didn't feel good enough, Anyway hope you enjoy, I will try and update more regularly now because I have the next few chapters already planned! Enjoy...Excuse any spelling issues I ain't the brightest! Hehehe

Jason starred wide eyed, "...Of course I have, I always do!" Jason muttered, Freddie starred "Funny, that because the Doctor seems to think otherwise" Freddie scoffed, eyebrows raising, Jason starred "I..." Jason stuttered, Joe placed a hand on Jason's shoulder "Not now Fred's, he needs to rest" Joe said giving Freddie a disapproving look, Freddie ignored Joe's request and continued to question jason "I take my insulin I just forgot that one time , but I always take it!" Jason lied, Freddie didn't look convinced but another glare from Joe silenced him.

The following morning Joe and ziggy decided they would get Jason from the hospital while Freddie and Robbie would tie some loose ends up at the garage before joining them back at the house when jason was home, Joe and ziggy made their way to the hospital to find Jason arguing with some nurse who was holding a tray of hospital food, "I'm not hungry! Don't you get that!" Jason yelled angrily before pushing the tray away, the nurse looked ready to persist but Joe and ziggy decided to make an entrance before Jason had a breakdown, "How you feelin' mate?" ziggy asked as he made his way over to jason while Joe spoke to the nurse, "Im sorry about him, he's a little awkward when it comes to food" joe informed the nurse, "Awkward?" she repeated frowning slightly, Joe starred "Yeah, doesn't like eating much... or anything" Joe muttered, the nurse starred for a moment before nodding slightly, Joe noticed she looked as if she wanted to say something else but instead she smiled and went to get the discharge papers, "Thats weird" Joe muttered before going over beside jason, "You good?" Joe asked, Jason nodded slightly muttering a quiet "Yeah" before the nurse came back in asking for signatures in order for jason to leave.

Joe and ziggy arrived back with Jason, and were greeted with Freddie and Robbie, "How is he?" Freddie asked as he watched Robbie go to the couch with Jason, "I don't know, pretty quiet" ziggy muttered, "The nurse, said something weird earlier In the hospital..." Joe said quietly, the other two brothers frowned slightly "Weird? What do you mean?" Ziggy asked, Joe shrugged "I'm not sure", Freddie starred "Well what was it she said", "Nothing, she didn't say anything she just sort of looked worried I guess when I told her jason didn't eat a lot" Joe said recalling the brief conversation he had had with the nurse, ziggy frowned "Probably nothing" he muttered before walking over to th couch, "No, It was more than nothing" Joe muttered to himself.

Later that day they were sat around eating some take out which they had all decided on, except Jason he just sat silently in the corner, "Jase, your stuffs over here" robbie said as he stuffed a forkful of his dinner in his mouth, Jason rolled his eyes at robbie's 'disgusting greed'  before declining "Not hungry" Jason muttered, The four brothers starred at jason, "You didn't eat earlier either" Joe stated, "I did" jason lied, Joe shook his head "Jase, you need to eat something, you don't need to eat a lot just a bit, yeah?" Joe said trying to reason with him, Jason shook his head, Freddie put his fork down causing it to clatter on the plate making jason flinch, "What is it with you and your 'Not eating' shit, it's pathetic!" Freddie yelled, Jason starred at the floor, "I always eat, your just being delusional!" Jason snapped angrily, Robbie scoffed "You never eat jase, your getting weirder everday!" Robbie snapped, Jason starred before getting up and running out of the room " I HATE YOU ALL!" Jason yelled as he made his way out of the room.

Joe ran his hand through his hair, "Did you really have to anger him like that Robbie!" Joe said angrily, Robbie made a noise of annoyance before continuing to eat "Well, it's true ! He just wants attention" Robbie muttered, Joe gave robbie a glare before standing up "Someone should go talk to him" Joe muttered, Ziggy put a hand on Joe's shoulder "ill go" ziggy said before he went up the stairs after his brother.

Jason ran upstairs and ran to the toilet, he hadn't eating anything but he felt like he had, so jason immediately threw himself over the toilet in order to empty the non existent food from his stomach, Jason instantly began gagging but nothing was coming up, so jason continued until he brought up stomach acid, but he carried on, he was disgusting, he was fat, he needed the food out of him, during Jason's rush to throw up the nonexistent food he had forgotten to lock the door, or close it in that matter, And was completely unaware that ziggy was on his way up to check on him.

Ziggy jogged up the stairs "Jase" he said knocking on the bedroom door only to find it open and realizing it was empty ziggy left, frowning slightly ziggy turned around only to hear coughing coming from the bathroom, "Jason?" Ziggy called as he made his way to the bathroom, "Jason, you ok?" Ziggy asked, No response, ziggy walked over realizing the door was already open, stepping inside, only to find jason kneeling in front of the toilet retching, Jason took the fingers from his mouth completely unaware that ziggy was standing at the door, that was until a gasp sounded, Jason immediately dropped his hand to his side, turning around he noticed that the door was open and ziggy was stood right behind him, eyes wide mouth gaped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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