Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason ran up the stairs as fast as he could and through himself over the top of the toilet, sitting on his knees head over the bowl Jason began heaving, because he hadn't eaten it was dry heaving.

Robbie ran off from the table leaving his confused brothers, and sprinted up the stairs "Jase! Jason!" Robbie called as he reached the top of the stairs, he was worried about jason, he had just ran from the table no explanation, Robbie stopped calling and stood still on the stairs, he heard the sounds of gagging coming from the bathroom, "Shit,jase you ok" robbie said concerned for his twin as he knocked on the door, jason froze when he heard his brother calling him, he couldn't stop, he began heaving again and this time Robbie heard and was now at the bathroom door knocking, "Yeah...I'm...fine" Jason said as he wiped his mouth, he felt weak and tiered so he leant heavily on the toilet, Robbie knocked again when he heard Jason retch "Jason,Let me in, I just wanna check if your alright!" Robbie asked again knocking.

Freddie,Joe and ziggy were sitting at the table eating, Freddie glanced at Jason's untouched dinner "Why ain't he eaten anything at all!" Freddie muttered confused, Joe shrugged lightly about to reply till he heard robbie knocking on the door asking to come in, "Robbie everything ok up there!?" Joe yelled as he stood up from his chair, Freddie followed and ziggy continued to eat not thinking there was any need for four brothers to hang around the bathroom.

Robbie knocked again when he heard silence, jason hadn't ever replied and by the sounds of things he was being dead quiet in there "Jase, you alright?" Robbie asked knocking harder, Joe glanced at Freddie when they heard robbie knocking loudly on the door, Freddie raced up the stairs and Joe followed behind, "Robs, is everything good" Freddie asked, Robbie starred relieved to his elder brothers were here to help "He was being sick and but it has been dead quiet in there and won't answer me anymore" Robbie said hoping he didnt sound pathetic paranoid over absolutely nothing but he soon forgot about that because Freddie frowned and began knocking loudly concerned all over his face "Jase! Are you ok" he asked knocking on the door when he heard no reply Joe walked over "Leave him some space yeah! He just wants to be left alone" Joe said trying to calm down his brothers but Freddie just shook his head "No something is wrong,I can feel it" he said as he knocked again, Robbie stooped there watching as Freddie began banging on the door.

Ziggy yelled up the stairs "oi keep the noise down".

"Jason if your ignoring me I swear to god" Freddie yelled, but no response,Freddie knocked again "Jason, open this door or I'll break it down!" He yelled, Robbie starred "Maybe he is just ignoring us" Robbie muttered, Joe nodded but Freddie didn't back down he just continued to knock.

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