Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Joe let out a yell as he turned to see a small looking boy walk out in front of the car, oblivious to the fact it was his little brother jason, due to the fact Jason was looking particularly tiny in his baggy clothing, the other three yelled frantically as the car screeched when Joe pressed hard on the breaks.

Jason stepped out on the road, turning to notice the bright head lights, Jason didn't have enough time to move as he heard the screeching of breaks before everything went black.

It was completely silent when the car stopped, Joe didn't say anything,Joe's hands and body were shaking uncontrollably, putting a shaky hand through is hair he finally came out of his daze, "Is everyone ok?" Joe spoke no louder than a whisper, Freddie nodded, ziggy muttered What was like a yes and Robbie didn't reply.

Joe finally realized the situation, "I didn't...hit him....i swear....!" Joe muttered But stopped when he looked up to see that the small boy was nowhere to be seen.

Joe climbed out of the car, where he saw a small boy lying at the front of the car, Joe frowned he hadn't hit him, well he hadn't thought he had, Joe took a closer look, the boy was wearing a familiar jacket, too familiar Joe felt sick it was identical to the one jason owned and identical to the jacket he had been wearing.

Joe felt sick as he dropped to his knees "JASE!", Joe took a closer look the small boy was in fact Jason.

The other three brothers were still in the car when they heard Joe yell "JASE!", Freddie froze before he frantically stepped out of the car, Freddie took one look and he saw Joe kneeling down in front of a small boy, "No...don't tell me it's...Jason!?" Freddie said desperately, Joe didn't reply.

Robbie and ziggy stood and starred, unaware that it was jason, "Is he breathing?" Robbie muttered, Joe starred at jason, he put his hand on Jason's thin shoulder, too thin Joe thought but he didn't give it much thought, "Jase?" Joe whispered, Robbie starred eyes wide,"What did you just...that isn't...it can't be!" Robbie yelled, ziggy starred, "Is he breathing?" Ziggy muttered desperately, Joe's hands were shaking as he tried to feel for a pulse unable to as his hands shook as he tried to place them on Jason's neck, Ziggy noticed and ran over carefully checking for a pulse sighing in relief when he noticed there was one, but nearly throwing up when he saw it was in fact Jason "Jase..." ziggy muttered as he gently tapped his cheek, Robbie dropped down and starred, Freddie stood confused "we didn't...hit...him?" Freddie muttered, Robbie starred "Well why is he..." robbie's voice broke as he starred as his twin, "Jason wasn't hit...I swear....I stopped in..." Joe's words were interrupted as Jason's eyes fluttered slightly, Joe cupped Jason's face, "Jase mate, can you please open your eyes?" Joe muttered.

Jason heard someones voice asking him to open his eyes, he wasn't in pain, but when you get knocked down is it not supposed to be painful? cracking open his eyes he realized that,that  some one was joe, "Jase?" Joe muttered shaking him slightly, "I'm so sorry...!?" Joe said, Jason frowned before speeking but his voice was croaked "You didn't...hit me?!" Jason said realising his brother must have thought he had hit him, Robbie took Jason's hand "What hurts?" Robbie asked, Jason frowned "Nothing..." Jason whispered, Freddie and Joe shared a concerned glance, Freddie rushed down next to jason "What do you mean nothing mate?" Freddie asked worried, Jason frowned was he meant to hurt? "Nothing hurts" Jason muttered, Freddie starred before starring at Joe, "Your not in pain? And your head?" Freddie asked thinking jason couldn't feel anything because he might of hit his head, Jason felt slightly dizzy, and had a head ache but nothing else "Dizzy....and my head...hurts" Jason muttered.

Joe starred "Your insulin!" Joe remembered Jason hadn't taken his insulin, Jason frowned he must've collapsed, Freddie starred "We should call an ambulance, Joe, his head might of knocked of the ground" Freddie muttered, ziggy agreed "yeah, just to be safe in all" , Joe shook his head as he noticed the bag "You didn't take any of that shit..." Joe asked, Jason starred he had only taken them because he hadn't had his "NO!" Jason lied, Joe nodded, Jason tried to sit up, but Freddie and Robbie pushed him back "Just stay still" Robbie muttered, Joe starred "I don't think we need to call anyone" Joe muttered, Freddie widened his eyes "Of course we do!" Freddie muttered, Joe looked at jason "Can you sit up?" Joe asked, Robbie starred "What the fuck are you doing Joe!" He muttered still keeping a hand on Jason to make sure he didn't get up.

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