Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Sandy,ziggy and Freddie were in the house when Joe and Robbie came back, sandy noticed robbies red eyes and red face she starred "don't tell me he's.." she sobbed Joe ran over "oh no nothing like that" robbie looked down "We were out looking when...Joe rang jason and we found his phone in his hoodie pocket which was lying on the grass and well his jacket..." Joe knew it was to hard for robbie "There is blood on it" he felt terrible that he had just blurted it out, ziggy grabbed the chair and sat down as his eyes filled with tears and Freddie just starred shocked he sat down and Sandy started sobbing "Where is he?" Robbie hugged his mum "the police are searching for him", ziggy put his hand over his eyes Freddie hugged his brother.

Robbie headed out for a walk he couldn't stop thinking about the blood, he decided to head back home when he came home he realised the police were parked outside he ran inside "mum? What's happened"  Robbie yelled as he came in the house, he walked in and saw his brothers and his mum looking upset and the police were leaving "Mum what's happened" robbie got angry, Sandy starred as the police left the house he went in and sat down "just tell me" sandy starred "Its Jason..." robbie panicked "is he ok..." "they don't know they found his belongings in a bag and all his money" ziggy mumbled "But he's ok.." Robbie asked ,Joe starred "They haven't found him, just all his belongings" robbie looked at Jason's bag which was in freddies hand.

Robbie looked through the bag Jason had packed,He headed down stairs "what about the pictures" sandy starred "the ones jason destroyed" she said look in at the pile of ruined photos "No, jason took a photograph it isn't in his bag which means he still has that" Freddie starred blankly "And?" Robbie looked at his brother "I don't know!" Freddie looked away "I can't sit in this house I'm gonna go and look" sandy knew that Freddie was obviously worried "of course" she smiled, Robbie followed "I'm coming too" the boys headed to the car "let's go find him" Freddie was frustrated "We ain't going to find him he's probably lying dead in a ditch" Freddie yelled but his voice broke and his eyes filled up, robbie comforted Freddie "Dont worry..." Freddie rolled his eyes "how can I not worry my little brothers been gone for ages and I don't even know if he is ok, he's probably scared that's if he's still alive!" Robbie looked down "Just stop alright! I don't wanna hear it" Freddie felt bad he had obviously upset robbie, "Lets go get him" Freddie tried to smile.

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