Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason ran out he put his fingers down his mouth he was sick after a couple of attempts.

Joe looked at sandy "ill go" he left the house.

Jason couldn't breathe he just couldn't relax he began to panic "I can't breathe" he muttered.

Joe left the house "jase" he yelled he looked round him when he heard a cry of sorts.

Jason was gasping for breathe "jase oh my god" he ran to his brothers side who "just relax your having a panic attack" jason couldn't "I can't breathe" Joe grabbed his brothers arms "breath,slowly" jason slowed down.

Joe looked at his little brother "what happened bro" jason didn't know he guessed it was because he had eaten something and then forced himself sick it was probably to much pressure and he went into some sort of panic?

"I just hate going to hospital" he muttered.

Joe hugged his little brother "your won't be again your ok now" he whispered.

They went back inside together Freddie glanced "you okay jase you look dead pale" Joe looked at sandy "he was having a panic attack , I think it was just all the pressure the hospital you know" sandy looked upset "my poor jason",Robbie came down stairs "you alright" Freddie told his brother "he had a panic attack outside" Robbie just starred "jase you alright he said giving his twin a hug" yeah fine" jason mumbled.

Jason before bed missed his shot,Robbie asked "your insulin" jason nodded "all,done" he lied.

Jason lay in bed that night he needed to be more discrete.

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