Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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The following day, Jason woke up his head was in agony and he felt sick as if he was going to throw up he opened his eyes and felt someone starring at him "Robbie?" He said as he saw Robbie in the opposite seat starring at him, "You never woke me look at the time what about school!" Jason yelled stumbling from his bed, Robbie glared "Jase I don't think your well enough to go to school!?" He said sounding worried "I'm fine just leave me be!" "Well then if your fine you will have an appetite, I haven't seen you 't eat in anything ages, If anything" Robbie said grabbing Jason's arm "Get changed and then come down", jason just starred how was he going to get out of this one "Emm...Can you go when i get...you know...changed" Jason said pulling at his shirt sleeve, Robbie just frowned and shrugged "I swear your getting weirder every day!" He said jokingly.

Jason stepped on the scales he was glad to see he had lost a lot of weight since the beginning of the "Diet" he smiled as he stroked his finger along his ribs and tightened his belt as his clothes were now beginning to get very loose on his tiny frail body, but he didn't see that, though he was glad to see the small changes in his appearance,that was all they were "Small" he had a long way to go yet before he could call him self perfect and maybe just maybe he could increase his insulin, but he wasn't to keen  on that the disgusting fat liquid was unnecessary he didn't need it or so he thought.

He was running out of his steroids so he took what was left and grabbed his wallet, he was going to purchase some more after school, his train of thought was interrupted when robbie yelled out "Jason,Come grab something to eat" Jason left the bathroom and headed down stairs the smell of food making him physically sick.

"Ah there you are! I was about to send a search party up" he smiled jokingly at jason "Well don't just stand there, eat!". 

Jason sat down and starred at the large amount of fatty food on the plate trying not to gag he muttered "I'm not hungry" he said trying to leave but robbie pushed his arm back down "Jason, just eat something before we go,yeah talk to me jason what's your problem recently  why aren't you eating?" He looked really worried and Jason didn't want to make robbie suspicious ,He grabbed a piece of fruit "You happy!?" He snapped robbie just shook his head, He reached for two slices of toast and handed one to Jason "Eat it and let's go!".

Robbie and Jason began walking up to school, jason shoved the toast in the bin and began walking to catch up with robbie.

Jason suddenly felt his sight get darker and then black dots moved around in front of his eyes, "Jase?" Robbie said as he noticed Jason was falling slowly behind "Are you ok?" Jason just nodded he couldn't see anything he was completely out of it he stupidly crossed the road as a red van sped down the street "JASON RUN! QUICK!" Robbie yelled frantically at his twin who just seemed to stand there as the van came down the street.

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