Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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The three brothers starred as jason left the room angrily, "Do we go after him?" Ziggy mumbled "No, that will only make matters worse" Joe said in reply, Freddie rolled his eyes "Like it could get any worse! leave him alone he's not a kid!" Freddie said angrily and Robbie just glared "Well he can stop acting like one then!" .

Jason sat in his room he starred in the mirror at his reflection, He hated everything about himself he was looking more thinner than he had when he had originally started loosing weight but he needed to be perfect, he starred at his ribs that was one thing he liked his ribs, they were obvious to see and made him even more determined to loose more weight. Jason quickly got in his bed and tried to fall asleep.

The following day jason woke up he starred at the clock '5:45' he quickly got up when he felt his head thumping and he felt dizzy after his drinking the night before, he grabbed his clothes and left to the bathroom toget changed, so he could go for a run.

Robbie woke up at '8:30' and starred at the bed, jason had obviously went out on a walk he turned round and fell back asleep.

Ziggy was watching the tv when jason came back at '9:00', jason was red faced and sweating, "Holy Shit! How long were you out for" he muttered as he watched Jason walk straight to the kitchen for some water, ziggy starred as jason kept filling up his glass "Are you thirsty because of the walk or the lack of insulin?" Ziggy said as he watched Jason drink another glass "Shut up" he mumbled, his hands were shaking as he tried to set the glass down but it fell to the floor smashing in to millions of pieces, jason starred at the pieces of glass he reached down and grabbed one and put it in his pocket, ziggy came in "You better eat something jase, How on earth did you smash this!" He muttered as he picked up the broken glass, "I ate earlier and I'm...sorry" Jason stuttered as he ran off to the bathroom.

Jason sat on the toilet seat with the glass in his hand he rolled up the sleeve and starred at the identical scars he had made on previous occasions, he placed the glass on his wrist and dragged it along his arm,It felt painful but he liked it, he quickly grabbed the tap and pushed his hand under it and watched as the water washed away all the blood he then made an other slit right beside the others and then he cleaned them both up and rolled down his jacket sleeve and left the bathroom.

Robbie came out of the room as jason left the bathroom "What" jason muttered as robbie starred "You look awful!" He said sounding concerned, jason just ignored him and went in to his room.

Freddie smiled at robbie "Just leave him, he's just hungover" he said trying to reassure Robbie, Robbie nodded and they both went down stairs with Joe not far behind.

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