Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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When jason and Robbie came back home after school sandy was at the car packing her things "I'm leaving for a while, your brothers will be here and ill be back if you ever need me" she said as she hugged robbie and jason and the rest of the boys.

Later that day ziggy made dinner, "Do you not like it jason" ziggy frowned starring at Jason's full plate,"I'm not hungry" Jason muttered, Freddie glanced at joe "Didn't he say that yesterday?" Freddie asked sounding concerned "Yeah he did, Jason are you feeling alright you haven't been eating anything at all?" Joe said as he looked at jason "Of course I have been eating! I'm just not hungry why do you all have to make a big fuss!" Jason yelled as he pushed his plate away, Robbie rolled his eyes "Your only just realising!? the freak hasn't been eating  in ages" robbie snapped as he ate his dinner, Freddie nudged him "Oi don't be such a shit robs" Freddie glared But smirked a little "I have been eating of course I have I'm not a freak either alright! Jason yelled as he stood up from the table, he suddenly felt dizzy again and everything began spinning he felt weak he grabbed the chair trying not to pay attention to himself he knew this was the lack of insulin.

"jase, you alright mate?" Ziggy frowned as he starred at jason who was leaning heavily on the chair, the rest of the boys hadn't noticed and yet they were to busy fighting "Yeah, I'm...fine!" Jason muttered trying to finish his sentence as he moved away from the chair, he couldn't stop everything from spinning he had to get upstairs before he collapsed he felt his eyes strain before black dots appeared in his vision "I'm going...to my...room" he said as he walked towards the stairs.

Ziggy stood up from the chair "Jason are you sure you are ok?" He asked sounding worried, jason didn't reply he just had to go upstairs, Freddie looked up "Whats going on?" "it's jason I think he is sick" ziggy muttered as he continued to watch his frail brother walk up towards the stairs "Oh leave him he just wants attention!" Robbie muttered and Joe just glared at him "Shut up Robbie!".

Jason finally reached the stairs he walked up them as quick as he could but when he neared the top he felt his legs go weak beneath him and the dizziness continue as his vision went black he collapsed and tumbled down the stairs.

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