Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Robbie had checked the whole place for his twin but it seemed like jason must've left, Robbie was beginning to panic he grabbed his phone and texted Joe "Joe I need ya to come and help I can't find jason, he was drunk and he's left the party" he pressed send and waited for a reply.

Freddie had went out, and ziggy and Joe were watching tv when Joe received the text "Shit! we need to go" he yelled as he grabbed his keys,ziggy just starred "What why, the twins ok?" Ziggy asked confused, Joe passed him the phone and ziggy read the message and they both left to find him.

Freddie was walking around when he saw jason sitting on a bench "Jase? Are you not meant to be at some party" Freddie asked as he sat next to jason, "Yeah...I...was...but...i...left" Jason muttered, Freddie just starred "Your drunk! I thought you weren't going to drink!" He yelled as he glared at his brother, jason looked at Freddie "I...dIDN'T mean To" jason slurred, Freddie starred "Well your absolutely bladdered! ,mate" he smiled slightly as he grabbed jason "come on lets go, Robbie will be going out of his mind!".

Robbie was panicking "What if he collapsed!" He said worried for jason, ziggy and Joe glanced at eachother "He is going to be fine!" Ziggy mumbled comforting Robbie "But he never gets drunk" Robbie muttered, Joe just starred "Yeah well we will find him!" Joe said as he got in the car.

Freddie and Jason were in the garage, "Drink some of this" Freddie said as he threw him a bottle of water, jason took a sip and then began to gag, Freddie rushed over and passed him a waste bucket "Here use this" he muttered as jason began throwing up violently in to the bucket, "Your going to be fine, just let it out" Freddie said as he rubbed Jason's back.

Ziggy texted Freddie "You haven't seen jason, we are worried bout him he's drunk and gone from the party!".

Freddie felt his phone vibrate in his pocket "Told you, there worried sick about where you have gone I'm just gonna text him ok!" He asked as he went and texted ziggy "Found him, he's definitely drunk he's being sick right now I'll take him home" he pressed send and went back to jason "come on let's go yeah!".

Ziggy sighed in relief "Freddie found him he's fine just drunk!" Ziggy said as he passed the phone to robbie, "I shouldn't of let him get that drunk, I should've been with him" he said sounding upset, Joe patted him on the shoulder "don't worry robs he's fine" Joe said as he smiled at robbie, Robbie just looked down "Whats wrong with him, he won't eat, won't talk to us,and isn't being careful with his diabetes!" Robbie yelled, ziggy looked at robbie "We will all talk to him get him to tell us what's been going on don't worry!"  Ziggy said trying to reassure his brother.

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