Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Joe had carried jason back in to the house, Jason protested and was surprisingly allowed to walk up the stairs by himself, Well by himself that of course meant ziggy was walking ahead Robbie and Freddie practically stuck to Jason's hip hands supporting him as best as they could without touching him, and Joe was already in the room waiting for him.

Jason sat down on the bed it was well after midnight now,And jason just wanted to be left alone his brothers were continuing to fuss, and it was pissing jason off, "I'm fine! I don't need you all to fuss!" Jason snapped, Freddie just starred "Right your insulin!" Freddie said starring round the room, Jason rolled his eyes he had hoped they might forget and just drop it but unfortunately they didn't, and for the first night in a long time, Jason went to bed with the disgusting stuff in his body which was, insulin.

The next morning Jason woke up, he turned and glanced at the clock '8:45', perfect timing, Jason thought as he got ready for a run, he didn't expect to find Freddie at the foot of the stairs, "Em Freddie can you please move?" Jason asked as he tried to get passed Freddie, Freddie shook his head "No can do mate, I promised the others id keep you in, and look after you which means no run or whatever you were going to do!" Freddie said smiling,Jason frowned Where was everyone "Where are they?" Jason muttered, "Garage" Freddie muttered as he walked to the kitchen, "Right what do you want?" Freddie asked turning to jason, Jason tensed how was he going to get away with not eating or taking his stupid insulin?

Jason was still starring deep in thought when freddie's face came in to Jason's view as he snapped his fingers in Jason's face, "Huh" jason mumbled, Freddie rolled his eyes "You spaced out, I was asking what you wanted for breakfast" Freddie asked again Jason frowned "I'm not hungry, I don't usually eat breakfast" jason muttered in response, Freddie rolled his eyes "Or lunch or dinner, if your planning on making a list" Freddie said as he grabbed two plates, Jason rolled his eyes "Oh don't be so dramatic!" Jason snapped.

Freddie placed a plate in front of jason "There you go!" Freddie said proudly, he obviously thought he had done a pretty good job, Jason starred "I'm really..." before Jason could finish Freddie slapped the side of Jason's head lightly, "Dont talk shit just eat it" Freddie muttered as he began eating.

It was a couple of minutes later and Freddie looked up to find jason starring at the sleeve on his shirt, plate not been touched, Freddie frowned angrily putting his fork down on his plate, immediately catching Jason's attention, "What?" Jason muttered Freddie glared "What do you mean what? I just made you that so eat it!" Freddie snapped, Jason starred at the plate "I'm not hungry...I told you that already" jason mumbled Freddie just glared "Why do you eat...like nothing?" Freddie said seriously, Jason starred awkwardly "Of course I eat! Don't be stupid" Jason said giving a fake laugh, Freddie didn't laugh however he just starred "Come on jase, just Eat it" Freddie said as he picked up his fork, Jason starred at his plate, he couldn't eat, he had lost so much weight since he had started and he weren't planning on fucking it up, Freddie slammed his fork down again angrily "Jason just Eat the bloody thing, why you got to be so difficult! Eat it!" Freddie snapped.

Jason starred playing with his sleeve again, Freddie was even more angry when jason continued to ignore him "The bloody sleeve ain't that intersting" Freddie yelled yanking Jason's hand away which then revealed a cut on Jason's frail wrist, Freddie gasped as he dropped Jason's wrist "Jase..." Freddie muttered, Jason pulled his arm away fixing his sleeve back over his tiny wrist.

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