Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason  didn't want to worry his family,but he didn't know why they were pretending to care, they don't care about me they hate me I'm a failure, I look like a mess and they are perfect they just like me staying there so they look even better jason thought.

Freddie stopped the car "let's head back, we won't find him the police will" robbie got angry "And if they dont,  he is our brother" Freddie starred "I know that! your not the only one that's worried or misses him, I want my little brother back just as much as you!" "I know Fred's, so let's find him" robbie smiled.

Ziggy headed up the stairs he walked into Jason and Robbies room, he sat down and spotted some crumpled photos under the bed, he pulled them out he starred at the pictures of jason with his eyes scribbled out and some pictures he had cut himself out, he put them  in his pocket and headed down stairs.

Freddie and Robbie couldn't see jason anywhere, disappointed they headed back.

Robbie stepped in to the room he starred at the pictures sitting on the table "what are you doing?!" Sandy starred at robbie "jason, had these under his bed " robbie starred shocked by what jason had done "what did he do?" "He cut himself out of photos,scribbled him self out and ripped them up" ziggy said looking at his brother "why would he do that, why" robbie yelled   Sandy shook her head "I don't know" she cried.

Joe had stuck posters of jason round the place, Robbie stopped and starred at the photos hanging on the lamp posts, he wished his twin would just come home, he missed his brother.

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