Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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The doctor made his way back to jason to find him sitting up "Can I go now!" Jason asked, the doctor smiled sympathetically "No,not exactly I'd like to ask you a few questions first?", Jason frowned, the doctor took the silence as a yes and began to ask jason some questions "So I had a chat with your..." Jason interrupted "Brothers? Whatever they said is going to be irrelevant so can I go" Jason asked "They told me you have been collapsing quite a bit, is that correct?" He asked, Jason starred with wide eyes "...Erhm once...twice I don't know, but I'm fine" Jason lied,  "Jason, Have you been taking your insulin?" The doctor asked, Jason frowned "Of course!", the doctor wasn't convinced "You said you missed one shot and that lead to your collapse, but that isn't true is it? Because the test show that you had missed more then one, even two" the doctor explained "I have been taking my insulin, I missed one shot that's all!" Jason snapped defensively, the doctor nodded slowly "Well I'd like to keep you in for observation for the night but you should be fine to leave tomorrow" the doctor said as he made his way out of the room.

Thebrothers were instantly up and demanding answers from the doctor "Yes, he is going to be fine I'd just like to keep him in overnight for observation but apart from that he should be fine, the only thing we're concerned about is Jason's insulin habits, he told us he had missed one shot but the test showed us otherwise" the doctor explained, Joe frowned "Insulin? But he always takes it" Joe said confused, "Do you think he's lying!?" Robbie frowned, "No of course not, I was just explaining the facts" the doctor replied, ziggy nodded "Well we'll be making sure he takes it for now on" ziggy muttered, "Definitely, and if he doesn't ill force him!" Freddie said slightly to loudly earning stares from the doctor and the other three  brothers, "...what!" Freddie said confused, Joe shook his head "can we see him now?" The doctor nodded "of course don't be too long" he muttered before a nurse guided the brothers to Jason's room.

Jason looked up and saw his brothers piling into the room, Joe smiled "How you feeling, mate" Joe asked as he made his way over to his brother, "Fine" jason muttered, "You only need to stay a night then we can take you home, yeah" Joe said giving Jason's hair a ruffle, Jason nodded.

Freddie sat down "So have you been taking your insulin?" Freddie said bluntly. 

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