Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason was helped up on the couch by his brothers, jason looked around the room robbie was beside him,Freddie was opposite and Joe was fussing over him, but where was ziggy, he looked again ziggy must have left but he never heard his older brother Leave.

Ziggy sat down on the bed bag in hand, he opened it, he never believed them when robbie,Freddie and Joe suggested the fact jason might be doing drugs, but there was proof so Jason could no longer deny the fact that he was, no doubt doing drugs.

Jason began to feel nervous,he had the feeling something was going to happen, that something was wrong but he just couldn't pin it down, that's when he remembered the drugs he was asked to stash instead of payment, swallowing hard he realized that's where ziggy was he must've left to try and find Jason's insulin, jason hadn't even had time to properly hide the drugs he just put them under his bed as quickly as he could because his brothers decided to storm in and interrogate him, about drugs, what if ziggy had found them, what would he say?

Ziggy grabbed his phone he couldn't go down with the drugs he wanted to make sure he was actually correct before accusing his little brother, but ziggy unfortunately knew that they were obviously drugs, he decided it was best to text one of the three up rather then going down, Joe was the first in mind and as he was the oldest he would know what was best, so he sent a quick text "I need you to come up, it's about jase" ziggy pressed send not wanting to give away to much in a text.

Joe felt his phone vibrate as he lifted it out of his pocket he glanced, it was ziggy but wasn't he in the house, frowning he decided to read the message, "I need you to come up,it's about jase" the message read, Joe glanced over at jason and then headed up the stairs, ziggy met him at the top of the stairs, Joe starred at ziggy, "Well what is it, better be worth it!" Joe muttered following ziggy to the twins room.

Ziggy passed Joe the bag, Joe frowned and opened it up, gasping at the contents "Fuck...what the hell is that boy playing at!?" Joe muttered, ziggy starred "What do we do!?" Ziggy asked, Joe starred at the drugs and then back at ziggy "I don't know what your going to do, but I'm going to fucking kill that boy!" Joe said angrily, ziggy grabbed Joe's arm "No! Just calm down,alright!" Ziggy said but that made Joe even more angry, "Calm down! Are you serious he lied, he said he wasn't he even pretended to be bloody offended, I bloody well felt bad for accusing him!" Joe snapped, ziggy starred "I know, but we need to talk to him before we do anything else, ok?" ziggy muttered.

Jason starred as Joe gave him a confused stare and then rushed out of the room, fuck jason thought what was going on!

Jason glanced at the time Joe had been up there for at least 5 minutes and God knows how long ziggy had been up there, they probably had a good snoop round his room and found the drugs.

Freddie starred at the room, Joe and ziggy were gone but they didn't leave the house so he to decided to head up the stairs to see what was going on, slowly walking up the stairs he heard silent whispering, Joe seemed to be pissed and ziggy was trying to calm him down, but what were they doing in the twins room, he stepped in the room ziggy starred and then sighed in relief as he realized it was Freddie, Joe turned and just starred, "Well what's going on, what on earth are you doing in the twins room...?why do I get the impression I walked in on something?!"  Freddie asked as he starred confused at his brothers glance that Joe and ziggy shared before Joe passed Freddie the bag.

Freddie frowned "What!? Is it?" Freddie asked, Joe rolled his eyes "Take a look!" Joemuttered, Freddie starred "What the fuck...drugs, are these Jason's!" Freddie gasped,ziggy nodded, Joe frowned "Why did jason blame you for selling drugs that time, what did you do!?" Joe asked, ziggy widened his eyes they had basically told him absolutely nothing about this, why was he only being told now, it was his brother too, slightly pissed he just gave Joe a glare before starring at Freddie, Freddie began talking "I don't know just standing in front of the mirror" Freddie muttered, Joe just starred and then grabbed the bag and the two  brothers followed Joe out of the room.

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