Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason was placed on a stretcher and placed in the ambulance, the paramedic turned back to robbie and Freddie "Which one is going to come with jason" Freddie looked at robbie "You go, ill get the car and tell the rest of them,ok?" Robbie nodded and grabbed hold of Jason's hand.

Freddie walked back to the car he rang Joe "Its Jason we found him but he is heading to the hospital in the ambulance with robbie,We found him unconscious with a head wound" Joe was silent for a bit "Oh my god,we will make are way now" "just hurry,yeah? In case jase doesnt..." "We will be there don't worry ok" Freddie got in the car and made his way to the hospital.

Joe told ziggy and Sandy what had happened and they all made there way to the hospital.

Robbie was holding Jason's hand "will he be ok?" The paramedic smiled "we will know more at the hospital" robbie closed his eyes and put his head on Jason's hand.

Jason was rushed in the hospital and Robbie sat waiting for news, Freddie ran up to Robbie "You ok" robbie's face was red from crying, "Im fine but they haven't said anything yet" Freddie sat next to his brother "He is going to be ok!" Though he wasn't sure  if Jason would be alright.

Sandy, ziggy and Joe made their way up to robbie and Freddie "Boys,any news?" Sandy asked, Freddie shook his head ziggy comforted Freddie and Joe comforted robbie and Sandy "He is going to be fine" robbie starred at the ground "You didn't see it there was blood..." Joe stopped him from saying anything else "don't think about it,yeah?" Robbie looked away his eyes filling with tears he was sick of crying in front of people but Joe noticed and comforted him.

The nurse came out "Roscoe family" they stood up, sandy spoke first "Is he going to be ok" the nurse starred "He collapsed due to the  serious lack of insulin which caused another diabetic Ketoacidosis and we are aware he suffered this not so long ago so we are giving him an insulin drip and his head wound has caused some concussion but other than that he is just dehydrated"  all the family were relieved by the news "he isn't awake just yet, and one visitor at a time" she smiled, Robbie asked if he could go first sandy agreed and Robbie headed in to the room where jason was.

Jason was lying down connected to tubes "Jeez jase" he muttered as he sat down, jason began to wake up he opened his eye slightly he was pissed when he realised he was in hospital and be was back with his family, "Jason,you awake" robbie said shaking Jason's hand, Jason nodded robbie was relieved to have his twin back, but he was angry his brother had ran off "Where were you, do you know how worried we were we had police called and everything we thought you were...dead" jason didn't realize that his family had called the police or that they had thought he was dead "I'm sorry" robbie starred "No jase,your not because if you were you wouldn't of left or of decided to leave your phone and your blood covered jacket and all your belongings in a park!" jason starred "I fell and hit my head that's why I left the jacket,it was what I set on my head and I forgot the phone" "and your bag with your money?" Jason didn't reply, Robbie starred "and how come you never brought your insulin then, you trying to kill yourself!" Jason shook his head "I don't need that bloody insulin!"  Robbie starred in shock "What do you mean! That keeps you alive how could you be so STUPID!"Jason looked down "I know what I need and insulin isn't one of them" jason yelled, Robbie looked at his brother "Why, why are you being like this you need your insulin" jason didn't reply.

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