Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason hadn't spoken to Freddie since what had happened and he wasn't planning on talking any time soon either.

Sandy was angry and disappointed in freddie,She looked at her son's face his eye and lips were swollen and his cheek badly bruised "jason I'm sorry" she whispered Jason just looked down.

That night jason got ready for bed, Robbie was sitting on the chair starring "what did you mean when you said not for much longer" jason just looked at his twin "Oh nothing" "no jase you didn't mean nothing your alright aren't you, I mean you would talk to me if ya know things were bad" "There fine, I'm fine" he said robbie didnt believe him "jase why are leaving" jason looked back at his brother "get changed" robbie frowned "well you don't need to leave to do that" jason got upset "what so you can sit and laugh at me, no thanks" he said leaving the room robbie sat still confused on what his brother was up to, he couldn't remember when jason last got changed with robbie present, what was he up to he was going to find out.

Jason sat in the bathroom looking at his reflection, he hated his body nothing looked right his body was nothing like robbie or the rest of his brothers, he reached his hand to his pocket and pulled out his steroids he took them and missed his insulin, missing his shots was getting easier his body was used to it now and he was used to the constant dizziness.

He headed back to his bedroom "jase" robbie said jason looked at his twin "what" Robbie looked confused "why would I laugh,I never laugh, talk to me" jason just shook his head "you wouldn't understand" "try me jase, try me" robbie replied.

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