Rowena's Profecy

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When the times shall be dark

When all hope shall be lost

My own sapphire will rise from the South

To bring us back to the ways that are lost

She shall have a gentle heart

And a creative mind

A thirst for knowledge none alike

She shall bear my blessing and my curse

And her prophetic name shall be yours.

From the very first day that I joined Hogwards I have heard of a prophecy. Minerva says that there shall pass many years until the prophecy is fulfilled. But I disagree, I may be only twelve years old but I believe that it speaks about a war and since many years have passed from the last Wizarding war, it is possible that it will happen soon. Maybe more so now than ever.

My name is Cassandra Helena Triantafyllou, I am a Greek witch and I am trying to fit in on my new world. A beautiful castle has became my new home. Sometimes I miss my old house, my mother's recipes and my fathers laugh but other times I remember how troubling I must have been to them as a kid. Always pushing on boundaries and wreaking havoc, my professors say that it is normal for a kid with magical abilities to live to the limits. My parents thought that they lost their minds when I first managed to float a book from the top shelf to me. Even now they looked at me like I was something strange, something to fear.

Here I am something of a pariah, which means, according to Minerva, an outcast. I don't mind being alone, if anything I prefer it. That way I can get lost in my mind for as long as I want. People tend to make fun of me here because of my accent, I think they are pretentious because they use funny worlds and I can hardly understand what they are saying half the time, such as pretentious.

Minerva McGonagall has been my best friend in the past year and possibly the greatest friend I ever had and probably would ever have. She is Scottish, with a heavy accent that made my face scrunch as I tried to figure her out. She is interested in Quiddich, a strange game with brooms and balls that I do not seem to comprehend. I guess the reason that I do not grasp many thing is because I am a muggleborn, which means that my parents are non magical creatures, I am according to them an anomaly. It is quite interesting why such a thing like that would happen, which part of me was biologically changed from my parents.

Minerva is a pureblood, which means that she comes from a long line of witches and wizards. She is also a Gryffindor, she is brave and strong, courageous and honorable. I am in Ravenclaw which means I am witty and intelligent, wise and ambitious. At the moment I do not feel that Rowena's Ravenclaw traits apply to me. I only wish that I could go back to the day my parents locked me into my room, scared of my powers, the day a weird looking man threw rocks on my window and he revealed to me a secret world I was apparently part of. My head had been spinning with information and I simply wanted to know more, not understanding yet that there would be no way back to my past life.

"Is everything alright?" Minerva whispered as we closed in on the lake.

"Have you ever wished to be normal?"

"I am normal."

Right. Because this would be my new normal.

A blond boy came running towards us. He yelled "Minnie" before he tripped on his feet and started rolling down the hill. He was a wearing red robes and they wrapped around him on his descent. A taller brunette boy rushed to him as he landed a few meters behind us. He helped him stand and the blong boy dusted himself off, before he started walking confidently to us. He reached his hand in his pocket and he drew out a broken daisy which had lost most of its petals.

"Echante" he said and fired a toothy smile to Minerva. "My flower in the dessert, let me express my long gratitude towards the stars for your creation."

I snort flew out of me and the brown haired boy behind him hid his face in his palms.

"Tommy, you are very kind."

"I am no Tommy, fair maiden. I have become a man now, I am Tom."

The boy groaned again, he seemed physically in pain and a giggle escaped me at his antics. He was the only one who noticed, and his face snapped up, his cheeks heated in a rosy pink. His eyes was the most beautiful blue, that would haunt me to my last days on earth. I shyly smiled at him and he waved back.

'Minnie' was trying to rid herself from 'Tommy'. They were funny and utterly smitten with each other, little did I know that I was witnessing the start of a great love story. And the beginning of my new life.

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