War Meetings

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She finally found her way in the Auror Department of the French Ministry. Everyone was moving around in a frenzy.

"La réunion aura lieu ce soir. Où est leur signal ?" The words rang around her but she didn't understand them. She could only decipher parts of the sentences. Reunion, signal... yeah that was pretty much it. At the moment she loathed herself for not knowing French. Minerva would know what they said, she thought grumpily.

Suddenly a piercing sound sounded from the back of the room. It reminded her the war sirens that still seemed to be ringing in her ears and haunt her even now, three years after her return from the front. The French Auror like soldiers fell in line and the Head of their Department made a swishing movement and they headed outside. She briskly followed them. It was fascinating to see how other countries operated on the same field. She had heard that the Russians placed as their leaders women because they claimed that even in the great ancient Sparta women were the deciders of wars or peace. Or that in the Chinese Ministry people had to have served several years in three Departments of their choosing before ending in the Department they liked the most.

The French Ministry was quite beautiful. Messages travelled in the air as if they were whisps or fragments of conversations. They were actually verbal means of communication, one sided but still, it was progress from writing a letter and waiting, hoping that the person on the receiving end would receive it. It was the peak of the Wizarding's community science. Muggles had already discovered phones. Her mom was always rambling about them in her letters and that she should get one too, so they could communicate more freely and actively on short notice. She had to learn how to do that. It was all so very interesting.

She was intrigued by everything around her. Her eyes were darting left and right so fast that she felt dizzy. But she couldn't help herself. From the floating files that dodged everyone in their way until they reached their destination, to the floating teapot that whipped from desk to desk filling cups with tea, coffee and hot chocolate. She wanted one. No, she needed one. She wanted to discover all those amazing things that they presented her in an instance.

She couldn't. She was on a mission. No matter how tempted she was, she had a goal to achieve and no one would get in her way.

She studied the French Aurors, while she and her friends always dressed in long coats and suits, they were dressed more lightly yet formally. Either way the Frencb were popular about their fashion, she finally understood why. She felt slightly underdressed. She recalled the first time she wore pants in the office. A man had a heart attack. She was pretty sure it wasn't related to that but still it stung a bit. No rule stated that she couldn't wear pants, except society's rule. But she always ignored those. Plus, she needed to move more freely while still protecting her legs from the cold. Yeah, she could have placed a heating charm but where was the fun in that?

The walked along some glorious gardens and the magnificent view took the breath cleaned out of her. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and she bumped in a tall blong man in front of her. He glared harshly at her and she offered him a shy smile with a timid wave as he rolled his eyes and assumed his position. Someone was yelling orders in the top of the group, she guessed that it was the bold man that they have been following all this time. She couldn't for the life of her understand what he was saying. She caught only one word she understood. Grindelwald.

Was he here? In Paris? She wasn't ready to face him. She had only just discovered the depth of her powers but she hadn't yet been able to master it, less like use it, without them backfiring. She had a burn just a bit above her knee to prove that. Healing Charms are easy my ass. She simply wasn't ready. Her hands shook with panic . She had to think this through.

It was already too late. The group was moving inside a huge auditorium. And she was forced to follow as the people behind her practically pushed her inside the theater. Waited for the right moment to distance herself from the group and she moved along the top walls as an illusion filled the room. It showed pictures. Pictures of the war. At some photos she even recognized herself alongside Theseus. She was petrified. With the corner of her eyes she noticed the group of Aurors, Newt a few seats in front of them with Tina and Theseus moving downwards towards them with Leta.

She couldn't hear a word that was being said. Not because it lack in volume but because her own mind betrayed her at the moment. She felt dizzy, her head span. She needed air. She had to get away from everyone. Something bad was about to happen. She could fell it in her bones.

The magical fog disappeared in the blink of an eye and that was when she first laid her eyes on him. Grindelwald. In the flesh. And he was looking directly at her. It wasn't a trick of the light or his eyes just happen to land on her person. No he had been looking waiting. Her hair blew around her face as she felt the colour draining out from her cheeks. How could such a small man have that effect on her she didn't know. And she didn't want to find out. Just when she was about to depart he casted a light green circle of fire around him and all Hell broke loss.

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