Train Rides

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Her steps didn't falter as the snowy scenery was replaced by a warm train compartment. The change in temperature had her wanting to shed Theseus' old coat that had kept her warm these past months and to curl in front of the raging fire and sleep there for approximately three to five working days. But alas she had work to do.

Familiar faces greeted her as she scanned the room. Professor Higgs, Jacob, Newt, Kama Leta's brother and of course Theseus. Her heart flattered at his sight. It seemed that she hadn't talked to him in ages but it were mere months. Was it because they had no contact all this time?

"Hello sorry I am late."

"It is alright miss ... " Jacob answered her kindly. A muggle fighting in a magical war for love of all things. She respected the man to bits.

"Alianova." She used a persona which only Theseus would recognise. His eyes sparkled with recognition and he sat a bit straighter. "I am a spy in Grindelwald's ranks. Dumbledore requested my presence in this meeting. "

"So we have a majozoologist, his indispensable assistant, a wizard from a very old family, a professor, a spy and ... a muggle.... with a fake wand. Well, who wouldn't like our chances?"

"Hey we got you pal." Jacod said with a wink. "And his wand works." He continued as Theseus chuckled under his breath.

Yeah, his wand definitely works. Stop. Not the time for dirty thoughts, Helena. Pull yourself together.

As if he could read her mind, Theseus pinned her with his gaze and shot her a hidden flirty smile, one that no one else would be able to pick up but her. She placed her freezing fingers between her thighs. Trying to regain their mobility as the conversation flowed around her. Soon small pieces of paper were given out. Hers was the smallest one.

Carry on.- D. Great.

The clock struck three o'clock in the morning and her eyes were weighted with fatigue. She had to go. Pretty much everyone was huddled in groups forming plans after plans. She couldn't listen to them by default, just in case. She couldn't know their plans so that she could protect them from the inevitable. She bid them goodnight and walked towards the exit. She had to appart back to her position. But just as she walked towards the exit, a hand grabbed her from behind and placed her against a wall.

Theseus was kissing her with great enthusiasm. His hands were sprawled in her back as he tried to bring her closer. His lips started desending to her jaw and then her neck.

"Take it off." He murmed again the sting of her neck. He meant the glamor, he had to. "I want to see you. I have to see you."

"Theseus I-"

"We are safe here. No one will know." He said as he sucked on her pulsepoint, making her breath statter and an unwanted moan to be released. "Please." He whispered and at the sound of that word in his raspy voice she could be undone. Her resolve crumpled instantly and she felt him smirk on her neck before he lifted her up on his arms and pressed her against the wall attacking her lips once again. "I missed you." He said as his hips rolled against hers and quiet gasps were lost in their mouths. This couldn't be happening now. She wasn't ready. It was still too early. And as if he knew he continued his assault on her neck and collarbones but never making a move to undress her. Her heart flattered in her chest at an irregular pace.

Finally when they separated to breath she laughed lightly as she gazed at his deep blue eyes, the ones she had been dreaming of since she was fourteen. Their forehead were placed together and be rubbed his nose against hers up and down and side to side. His face was disoriented because she was incredible close, yet she couldn't bring herself to untangle her legs from his waist and her arms from his broad shoulders. He kissed her nose as it scrunched up and he fondly smiled at her before he carried her to his room. They made out like horny teenagers scared to take the next step and she felt as if she was travelling back in time living in her dreams. They had had sex before, she was aware of that, but this time it was different, it was serious and lasting she wasn't going to rush into things, not any longer.

Many many hours later as she was laying in his arms she decided that this was it. He was her endgame. It had been a long time in the making but finally they were on the right track and she wasn't going to screw this up. Dawn was faster approaching and it was time to leave beside Theseus' protests and vine like arms that didn't bulge as she tried to get up. Who knew that he was that clingy? She kissed his forehead as he hugged her from behind and promised him to see each other soon. It was an empty promise they both knew that, yet they couldn't bring themselves to admit it out loud. And with that she left him behind hugging her pillow with a smile on his face, basking in her lingering scent.

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