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The moment she arrived at the mountain. The memories started to haunt her and she visibly recoiled. She had a massive urge to turn around and go back to Theseus, to tell him everything and have him by her side. Grounding her. But alas she couldn't. She was too stubborn to give up. She had worked hard and endured so much and she would not be satisfied until she would see Grindelward in Azkaban going insane or possibly dead. Either way she would be pleased.

Graham was the first and only person who greeted her. He seemed worried as if he had been looking for her. Her room must have been a wreck. She didn't want to get back there. And thankfully he offered her his room, claiming that they could share. Did he suspect what had happened? Or was he simply kind to her because of their deal?

She had come to like him. And he showed the same too. Their "engagement" was supposed to be announced in the papers in a month. Hopefully Theseus would know by then about her mission. Even if she had to marry him at the end of their day their union would be a happy one. He was funny and compationed as she had come to know but there would be no love. For simply she could never love another man the way she loved Theseus. But their relationship was built on trust, or a partial one in her part.

She didn't like lying to him. But it was a necessary mean to her plan. She had get his trust. And access to his study. And that night that was exactly what she did. She was growing reckless and restless. She could not stay there any longer or she would go insane. The plan had been to wait but Dumbledore had  alsotold her to seize every opportunity that might arised to her. At the moment she seemed vulnerable and the perfect victim. It was the best way to manipulate people just the way she wanted.

Grindelwald looked at her and smirked. He knew what she had done. That his followers were killed by her hand. Had he send them to her? Was it a cruel way of his to test her and her power? She shivered and drew her coat tightly around her, trying to mask her reaction to his smirk with the facade that she was simply cold. She defiantly raised her chin at him and turned her attention back to Graham. His hand hovered on the small of her back and he gently nudged her.

His room was always warm and spacy. She envied him slightly because she was in a room that barely fit a bed and had no windows. His windows were overlooking the snowy scenery.

"We can talk about it if you want to. About what happened last night."

"What happened last night?"

"Don't do this. We are supposed to be into this together alright. I ... was worried. I care about you, you know that. And ... and I think I might be falling in love with you."

"I really have no idea what you are talking about. I left early in the morning to go at Gringotts. I needed to make a deposit. As far for your confession, I do care about you too. Quite a lot to be honest. I just don't know if I can fall in love again with someone so quickly." The first part was a lie. The second maybe not so much. She did like him and cared about him.

Her file about him said that he never had a serious relationship with someone. Only short flings with actresses and models mainly. And there was his best friend the architect. He spent a ton of hours with him, just with him. Suspiciously so. Almost as much as she did with Theseus. He was a proud Slytherin. He was an apprentice in his fathers law firm. Malfoy's despite their wealth still worked. Or at least the older one did. They were a strange family and it felt like they were hiding a huge secret. For the first time she found herself preffering not knowing.

"Fine. Then nothing happened. I suppose you will be alright left on your own for a few hours. Grindelwald wants me to run an errand for him tonight. You can stay here. I will not be late and then maybe you will want to discuss what didn't happen yesterday night." He placed a light kiss in her temple and ruffled her hair affectionately before he wore his coat and exited the room.

She was finally alone. And she eyed his study at the corner of the room. Would he keep a diary? Our some sort of notebook with what went down between him and Grindelwald or their discussions. She greedily took her chance. And moved towards the clean study. Time to get some work done.

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