New Horisons

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The 23rd of April was a rainy day and thankfully a Sunday. She woke up to the feeling of a hot breath in the side of her face. Her new husky named Dahlia had the most magnificent blue eyes, the exact same shade to Theseus' eyes. She was still small and really playful. She had gotten her on an impulse as she tried to chase the loniless and the dreams away. Somewhere in the past three months a woman statred visiting her in her dreams. She claimed that she had her daughters name and that she was her chosen. She thought she was going insane. The sound of her voice found her everywhere, in the office, in her sleep... it put her on edge.

Minerva claimed that it was simply nerves but she didn't believe her. She had cut her hair short and they rested just above her shoulders as the ends slightly curled over from the humidity. In all this time she hadn't gotten a letter from Theseus. And she felt that weird sense that someone followed her every time she exited her house as goosebumps raised in her back.

As far as for her work, Madame President Seraphina Picquery had offered her a place in a select team of people to work against Grindelwald. The one leading it was Albus Dumbledore, a legendary wizard that was none other than Minerva's boss. She was under strick orders from the Ministry to hand over her case to someone more capable as they put it. In reality they were scared that she had unraveled one of the biggest scandals in the Wizarding world. The Minister of Magic among with many other high ranking officers worked for none other than Gellert Grindelwald. She couldn't unveil that secret, who would believe her. So she was patiently left to wait for the right moment.

Along with all that, she finally had the pleasure of meeting once again Newton Scamander. He shared with her the stories of his adventures as he travelled the world to find magical creatures. His magical case was her new haven on earth. Everything was so peaceful there as he tended to his creatures. He had been extremely fascinated by her new puppy, a muggle breed as he informed her, a regular dog. He kept her in the office hours when Cassandra couldn't take care of her. They had formed an unlike friendship in the past months. He was nothing like his brother and that had been a refreshing change. Where Theseus was confident and self assured, Newt was more messy and turned easily into a stuttering mess.

He never stopped talking about the brave muggle Jacod Kowalski, that faced the dangers of the Wizarding world with unlike bravery. The formidable Tina Goldstein, a familiar name, that was job oriented and his new favorite pen pal. Lastly her sister Quennie Goldstein, a Legilemens like her, who had been crucial to their escape. Everything seemed so far away. His new book "Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them" was her current reading material. It was a special edition just for her, with a heartfelt message on the front.

Sometimes the most magnificent beasts in our life, is our self. Do not be scared to show it.

Newt had been recently enstranded in London as he tried to gain a Travelling Visa, but the Ministry seemed to not be in his favor. The following day, as he was preparing himself for one more of the tediously long meetings his brother appeared from the end of the corridor. With his new fiancé, Leta Lestrange. Their correspondence had been extremely brief through the years despite his brothers efforts to rekindle their relationship. He wanted to be happy for him. He had gotten over Leta several months ago but he knew that his brother was meant for another, for the brunette witch that kept him company most of his evenings.

It had been a surprise to say the least but his brother's sway on the council was well welcomed and much appreciated by him. But when he refused an offered position as an Auror, all Hell broke loose from Theseus. He couldn't simply understand why he would turn down such a job because he didn't want to fight. With quick steps he distanced himself from his brother and rushed to the elevators, not without bumping into his new friend. She seemed worried at his state and when she turned around her breath got stuck in her throat.

Theseus was sitting at her desk, his old desk, and was starring at his brother's back sadly. His eyes scanned the room before they landed to her form. A brilliant grin stretched in his face as they rushed to each other and embraced in the middle of the office. He was different. She was different. But nothing mattered because he was finally back. She couldn't believe her eyes as his strong arms enveloped her. She breathed in his familiar scent and for a second everything calmed down.

It was like the calmness in the formation of a tidal wave. The calm before the storm. He looked at her before saying that he had many exciting news. She simply laughed but her heart squeezed painfully. He hadn't send her a single letter, naturally he would have many news. And then he dropped the bomb.

"I am engaged."

He said it so plainly as if he couldn't hear her poor heart tearing into pieces. Her eyes watered and she smiled shakily at him. "Engaged? Congratulations."

"Thank you. I have a very important question for you actually. Will you do us the honour of being our maid of honour?"

She simply nodded at him as he hugged her once again. The whole world had vanished beneath her feet at the sound of three simple words. I am engaged.

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