Meeting with the French

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A hand was wrapped around her waist and a face full of fur filled her vision. Dahlia whined as she looked at the stranger in her bed. Her mind was hazy. The stranger groaned from behind her she turned around coming face to face with Graham Malfoy.

"We didn't..., did we?"

"No we didn't. I don't think so."

"Thank God."


"No its... no offense. I just don't know you." He chuckled at her world and he groaned as he stretched.

"Do you have tea?"

"Yeah, come on." They walked slowly toward the kitchen while learning on the walls mostly. Their heads hurt like someone was physically hitting them and she murmured. "Remind me to never drink with  you. You are a bad influence."

"Noted." He said as he snorted in his cup.

She perched her sunglasses in her head and she headed towards the office. There she found a small piece of paper.

Paris. Tomorrow. -D.

She groaned as her head fell to her desk. Trying to drown out the bombing sound around her.  A gentle tap in her shoulder made her lift her head and Thomas pointed to a cup placed in front of her. "Drink it, it should help you with the headache." She slowly downed the potion, thanking the stars from her friends.

"So you and Malfoy?"

"What about it?"

"Nothing. Nothing. If you like him then ..." She frowned at his words. Did he think that something had happened between her and Graham? Whatever she was going to answer died in her throat as Theseus stood at the center of the room. The world suddenly quieted. He simply nodded and headed into his office without sparing her a glance. She open her files and poured herself into her work. The hours passed quicker than she anticipated when a new message appeared in front of her. 

I have a portkey ready in the Documents Department -D.

She quickly moved to the Documents Department, she found a moving umbrella thrashing in its place and she grabbed hold of it as she sucked in a breath. At the next second she found herself in the unfamiliar streets of Paris. She tried to head to the French Ministry and when she made sense of her surroundings.

People were running around and chaos ensured. An unfamiliar woman with short hair runned hand in hand with Theseus. Wait what? Theseus? Theseus was supposed to be in the British Ministry. Something didn't add up. Had the world turned upside down?

She swiftly followed them with quick steps and a familiar voice called. "Newt stop." She paused at her track and suddenly the pieces fell into place as he started chasing down his brother. She bounced at her heels before running in the opposite direction trying to avoid him and hunt the others. She crashed in people, brushing herself without sparing a thought. Her feet ached as her heels landed harshly on the marble floor.

"Cass?" Theseus' voice called. It was somehow different and as she looked at her side she noticed the woman besides him. The girl who's picture resided in Newt's case. Tina Goldstein.  "Follow us."

She parted the crowd in her way and she closed in on them. "What's the plan?"

"Um, escape?"


They approached a circular room full with travelling cases. She nudged Tina and pointed to them, before nodding at each other.

"Enough" Theseus called and Tina pointed her wand skyward. The word was a command and weighted with power. She had never thought that she could be on the receiving end of his wrath. Tina moved in the blink of an eye commanding the cases to fall at him and tying him in a chair before grabbing their arms and rushing out of the room.

"I have to stay behind. I-"

"No you can't"

"Follow Leta Lestrange. I have a feeling about her."

She nodded before placing a glamor on her, turning her face more elongated and changing her eyes. No one should be able to recongnise her. She aimlessly wandered in the Ministry trying to find her target, Leta. Leta seemed to be in a hurry and somewhat guilty as she glanced over her shoulders every other minute. A strange room appeared in front of them. She was still so far away from Leta to hear her, she slipped into the room and hid behind a moving rack of drawers. People filled the room. Dark wizards along with Aurors.

"I think I am your brother."

"No you aren't. "

"I am. I know it."

"You aren't Corvus Lestrange. I killed him." Leta's voice was strained and filled with pain. She could hear a pin drop. Her mind wondered around trying to gain access to some information. Tina felt her light nudge and allowed her access. An illusion appeared in front of them as Leta shared the tragic story of her brother's had. She could feel her guilt and as the whole memory unraveled in front of her she realized that Leta was innocent. She wasn't a murder, she was simply a kid, an older sister too tired to hear her brother's cries. He could be alive. It was tragic that the other baby has lost its life in such an awful way. But she shouldn't bear that weight. She wanted to tell her as much. They may not be friends but she could feel for her heartbreak. She felt like an intruder and she wanted to leave them alone.

As their voices raised she took her chance and exited the room from the side. She leaned against the wall and placed her hand in her raising heart. She took a few calming breaths. She promised to support Leta from then on. She was Theseus' chosen. She may not know her that well but if she had his favor then she would also have hers. Without demanding anything in return. She was the third person in their relationship, not Leta. And she would not let her feelings for Theseus cloud her judgment and let herself turn into a crazy girl that was jealous of everyone. In a few months he would be a mere memory. A point of her life that would stay back. In the past.

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