Midnight Stories

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She was in Graham's study ruffling his notebooks trying to find useful information. Anything to bring down Grindelward. She didnt know how many hours have passed or when Graham would return. She had placed a noticication charm to alert her for his arrival. But it didnt work and that was when a wand was pressed at the back of her neck.

"Well. I didn't want my suspicions to be true. But here we are. You know when I saw you in my Uncle's party, I thought you might have been a mere acquaintance and nothing more. So I asked him about you. Do you know what he told me? That you were the best Auror he had encountered in his life. The most driven and passionateone. No one cracked a case the way tou did. He always admired your thirst for answers, the way you noticed patterns that it was almost as natural to you as breathing. With just a few of his words he convinced me about my speculations."

"What are you talking about, dear? I was simply tidying up."

"Cut the act, Helena. Who send you?"

She licked her lips. Trying to come up with a believable lie.

"You still work for the ministry, don't you?" Her eyes were as wide as saucepans. How did he find out? She had underestimated him. And his intelligence. He was readying himself for bed. Shedding his coat and white pressed shirt. "I won't turn you in. If you are worried about that. We don't have to talk at yesterday's events."

"What? Why?"

"Come lay with me." He said in a broken voice and her heart tore into pieces, did he really care about her that much? That her betrayal hurt him that much? "Please" she had never heard him beg for anything. He always poised as the powerful wizard he was raised to be.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Graham whispered, his voice was so soft that she almost missed it. And they were sharing a bed, facing each other. "I am not attracted to you."


"No that's- it came out wrong. I meant to say I am not attracted to females."


"Yeah. I am the heir of the Malfoy family, the family of the dragons. My existence means nothing because I must produce an heir. To continue the family legacy."

"What about Abraxas? He could be the heir. You could step down."

"No I believe that is not possible. He is just a schoolboy."

The silence that enveloped them was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. The tension that floated around the room was clouding their judgment. They weren't friends, they were betrothed, to be married in less than a month. Yes it was strange that the Malfoy family accepted her as their son's bride, a muggleborn, but a powerful one. The one that was blessed with Rowena's gift.

"What's on your mind, Aurora?"

"Don't call me that. That is not my name."

"Why because it reminds you of the past. That you are an Auror?"

"No because it reminds me of him."

"Who?" He said said as he sat up way too quickly. "Is my darling supposed betrothed in love with someone."

"His name is Theseus. And I don't know if I am still in love with him. Is love supposed to hurt and bring comfort at the same time?"


"You know him?"

"Everyone does. He is a war hero. And he is destroying our ranks. As if he is trying to find something. Or someone."

"He lost Leta, they were engaged."

"Wait wait wait. He was supposed to marry someone else?"

"Yeah." She whisper quietly. She didn't like this conversation any longer it hurt too much.

"Let's make a deal. If we ever go back. I am helping you to get him jealous and in return you will vouch for my freedom, because I know I have helped with much needed information and I will continue doing so."

"First of all, I do not want him to get jealous. I do love him. I have told him as much. But for the second part of the deal. I am in."

We looked at each other before laughing softly. She was friends with Graham Malfoy. And a part of her loved him. Not in a romantic way. But she loved him none the less.

"Hey, Rory?"

"Yeah..." she said as she chuckled under her breath.

"I think... I think that ... if I were able to fall in love with a woman... it most definitely would have been you. And Salamander is an idiot to have not made his move yet."

"He might have done it. At the attack in Paris. After everything happened. He kind of confessed I guess. That he still loved me. But I had already made a deal with Grindelwald and I kind of left him hanging there."

"Harsh, Rory. Even for you."

"Oh, hush. Like you would know any better."

"Yeah, but Salamder is smoking hot. Like wowza. If you don't hit it soon with him I will."

"Sorry to break it to you sweets. But he is not gay."

"Shame I would have given him a good time and a run for his money. Well at least now I can make him seeth in jealousy."

"You are a menace."

"That is true. I am so glad that someone noticed." Their quiet laughter filled his room. Could they stay there, like this, forever? She wanted to spent many nights like this with him. It was refreshing to have a friend in the enemy territory. She didn't tell him any detail about her mission and he never asked. He always gladly told her about the next attack. And she would send fire messages to Dumbledore informing him about them. They were finally getting the upper hand. Thanks to Graham.

And it was so funny to watch Grindelwald lose his mind. How did they know his next move every time. She had finally accessed his inner circle both through Graham but from his defenses too. He was getting sloppy and it was easier to slip into his mind. Things were finally falling in their place.

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