Break and Entry

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Dahlia was chasing a bug as she waited for Minerva in the back of the imposing castle. Newt had said that he would not be able to look after her for the following days and that he had to make a quick trip to France. He seemed genuinely apologetic about it too. She had decided to skip work for the following days, a much needed vacation as Minnie called it. Minerva threw a window open and tried to lift her in the great library. Numerous of bookcases filled the room and a frightening quiet greeted her.

Their heels lightly clicked against the wooden floors as they headed towards the section that contained books about the evolution of magic from the ancient times. Dahlia chased around her tail and she had to magically silence her as she started running in the floor and slipping around as she didn't have enough friction to stop.

Books about the old times floated around them us they casted light in the edges of their fingers and they skimmed the pages. While everything had been useful they didn't held the answers to their questions.

The answer you are seeking is not here. Her head quickly snapped to Minerva but she seemed too engrossed in her book to notice her panicked expression. Only you can hear me, my dear Helena. Great she had officially lost her mind. No you haven't, my dear. I am a friend I promise. I chose you eons ago, many centuries before you were born. Who are you? She thought to herself , she was going nuts. They should close her in an asylum. Have you not figured it out yet. You have lived in my tower for so very long.

Rowena Ravenclaw. That was the voice, right? What did that mean? Do you remember my prophecy, sweetheart? She vaguely remember recalled some of its pieces but she had thought it had been a fairy tail, a myth. My power is coursing in your veins . I am afraid this will be the only time we will be able to converse. Find my diary it is hidden in here. Only you can find it and it is a matter of now or never. Farewell my dear. I know that I have chosen well.


"The oldest section of the library is the forbidden one. Correct?"

"Yeah. I believe so. Why?"

"Nothing just a hunch." Cassandra whispered before she moved towards the one place of the library she never enter. Her fingers run down the spines of the books. She could feel Minerva's presence a few meters behind as she looked something useful. She stopped short as her eyes landed on the book "The History of Magic". The title itself wasn't what had drawn her focus but the author. Rowena. She flipped the pages of the book and at the center of it rested a small black notebook. It's inscription said 'opens at the twelfth day of the cycle.' A thud sounded from the back of the room and Dahlia came sprinting to them.

Cass hoisted her up before pushing one of the cases to fall while muttering 'sorry books' and grabbed Minerva by the hand. Running down the familiar corridors and exiting the castle, picking up the pace as they neared the entrance and Minerva apparted them to her apartment.

Their landing was so harsh that they were left gasping for air before they looked at each other.

"Did you get it? Please tell me you did." Cassandra proudly showed her the books in her hands as Dahlia landed on top of her and started licking her face. "Let's get started, shall we?"

They both did the fastest showers known to mankind before they sat at the floor in the living room cozying up in the blankets as the fireplace offered them much needed heat. Their pajamas were ridiculous and pencils stuck out from their hair as the waited for the clock to turn to midnight and signal the start of the twelfth day of the moon cycle. Rowena's notebooks was resting in from of them, opened in the first page.

The door opened and Thomas pointed his wand at them before frowning. "What on earth are you two doing here?"

"Conversing with the dead."

"A tea party."

The girls looked at each other, nodded and faced Thomas who seemed to be mulling over their answers. "Alright. I knew girls night was fun but not that fun. Let me get changed. I want all the gossip." He pressed a sweet kiss at Minerva's head before heading upstairs.

She was blushing all over and Cass cocked her eyebrow only to receive a pillow in her head. "Hush, you. I think it's starting."

She had been right. Words had started to become visible to the notebook.

Congratulations. You have passed my test. I knew you were to be trusted. It feels like I am writing to my long gone daughter, you bear her name. The power I have gifted you is hard to command but I know that you will manage. You possibly triggered them with a powerful emotion but from now on you will be able to access them at any given moment. You shall be able to read minds and move objects with a simple thought. This should be as easy as breathing for you. But you shall be able to perform incredibly difficult and powerful spells from now on. In this book you will find spells that should seem useful in a time of war. I dearly hope that you shall never cast them.
You will need an anchor. I would suggest my tiara. I have a drawing of it in the following pages. This object shall help you channel your power and help find new pathways inside of you. If my predictions are correct it should be hidden in the oldest crest in the headmaster's office.
Good luck,

The words on the paper vanished as quickly as they appeared. Dahlia grabbed it and started shaking out around before she plopped down and started tearing the pages. In any other occasion Cass would have yelled at her. But the notebook was blank and it was better if it was destroyed. Never to be found.

Thomas hopped done the last steps and landed with a flourish. " Alright let's do this. I have a dead aunt I want to ask about her meat loaf recipe." His eyes darted between them before asking "What did I miss?"

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