Hello Stranger

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The sound of two people bickering reached his ears. As he entered the small pub once again. Theseus had followed his brother to a meeting with Dumbledore. Newt had been adamant of his presence and he knew that this would be the chance to get some news about his beloved Cassandra. He was sick with worry but he tried not to show it. He trusted her ability and her judgment and yet he couldn't stop the pit that formed at his stomach as the days passed without hearing some news from her. The meeting with him went well or as well as a meeting could go as you watched a powerful wizard being unable to perform magic against the biggest threat in the Wizarding world. His head hurt and had been working in overload as he tried to make sense of this knew information. As he exited the room along with his brother he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh come on you big baby. I am almost done. See."

"I can't believe you made me do this."

"It is simply blood." His eyes snapped at Albus who was frowning before he headed towards the door and softly pushed it open. Cassandra was sitting at the top of a table and held surgical tools as she stitched a wound in her side. Graham Malfoy was sitting at a nearby chair looking away as much as possible as his hand held the end of the string. "You are doing great honey." She said and her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"What I do for love." He said and Theseus heart squeezed. A few weeks ago he had seen an announcement of their engagement. At first he had wanted to believe that it was a cover and maybe it was and she was a great actor but at the way she laughed at him and smiled said otherwise. Dumbledore cleared his throat behind him catching their attention.

"Graham it is great to finally meet you. Even with the circumstances. I see you have acquired a new wound for your visit. How lovely." Theseus looked at her and drank in the sight of her. She was in an uncomfortable position as she tried to stich herself up on her own which was usual a disaster, he spoke of experience. He moved towards her and grabbed the needing materials to stich her side. He could make out her ribs, which were slightly sticking out and her skin looked unusually pale. Her Mediterranean roots served her well as she always collected the sunlight that turned her skin in a much warmer healthier shade. What had they done to her?

"Albus. I am afraid I come bearing terrible news. Grindelwald is planning to be Minister of Magic. He wants to find a Qilin and somehow manipulate it into bowing before him."

"Well, Newt. Now we know why they ambushed you in your mission."

Theseus cursed under his breath and his hands stilled for a second. They were once again one step behind.

"Graham, please would you step into the next room with me. I want to discuss a few matters with you. Newt you know you can head to the basement and work in your animals. The rest of you are welcome to rest here for a while."

One by one they exited the room leaving them alone. He cut the thread with a pair of scissors and looked up at her only to find her already stating at him.


"Hi." She said with a small smile and his heart almost burst. He had so many questions. Are you well? Do you need anything? Why are you engaged? Are you happy? Are you in love? Or do you still love me the way I do? Does your heart skip a beat in my presence the way mine does? Instead he settled for...

"You lost weight." His tone was accusatory. He knew that if she fell down the well of self hatred or became less sure of herself she would take it out on her body. As she had once did in the war, cutting the soft flesh between her thighs. The one spot he had spent endless hours kissing trying to ease her pain. Would there still be scars or had they disappeared? The selfish part of him wanted them to exist still because they would be a reminder of the past.

"Yeah. Not by choice. There isn't much food up in the mountains. I eat as much as I can but..." Her voice trailed of as he rubbed her sides, careful of her new scars. He didn't mention Graham even if he was dying to do so. The atmosphere around them was tense as if a cord would snap and all hell would break loose. Was he crazy for wanting to happen? He had missed her so much that he would take anything she was willing to give him even her yells and anger. He couldn't handle this silence, it killed him. "You look tired."

"Do I?" He certainly felt tired. Especially now. There was nothing else that he wanted more in the moment but to sink into her arms and never leave. He distinctively knew that he was overworking himself. Him and Thomas, the new Head of Aurors in the French Ministry were seating in his office for hours as they worked through their paperwork together. At least they had company. Suddenly it occurred to him that she probably didn't know about their friends promotion and what a great work he had done at taking down Grindelwald's followers. Together they had been working through their ranks, destroying them effectively making hits in the armor that Grindelwald had carefully placed around him. He told her as much and her face lit up.

He hadn't seem to notice that she must have felt alone in her efforts to take him down. She might have heard rumors but hearing it from him must mean something more because suddenly her body wrapped around him and hugged him as fiercely as she could.

"Thank you." She whispered in his neck, drawing in his comforting scent.

"For what my love?" He didn't miss the shiver that rushed through her as he spoke the last words. Maybe it wasn't so late after all. Maybe there was still hope.

"Not giving up."

"I could never give up on you. Even if I wanted to."

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