One drink too many

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The pub was called "The Drunk Snitch", a fitting name if you asked her. Minerva had asked for an evening off to be with her. They were wearing matching dresses, that barely reached the middle of their thighs and straps that held them tight against their forms before pooling around their cleavages. Their hair was in a crazy updo and their faced lightly painted with make up. It had been a way for Cass to combine work and fun with her best friend.

Gregory had been sitting at the bar and after several drinks his lips started to loosen. Information about Grindelwald rushed to her in waves as she read his mind and watched his memories. What her file had stated had been correct. He was ruthless and calculating. He was fighting against muggles, he was possibly fearing their evolution. He was an intelligent man, he knew that one day they would surpass us. And he wanted to put a stop to their rapid growth and thirst for knowledge, power and strength. He also always appeared to be honest, which fascinated her. He had a moral compass, up to an extent that is. She could understand why many people admired him.

Her throat burned as she drank one glass of whiskey after the other, just as Minerva did on her right side. Gregory insisted on the matter, claiming that such lovely companion should not let him drink alone. And so they drank.

Thomas had been keeping watch from the entrance of the bar and when he deemed that the girls had drank more than enough he decided to call it a night. He slowly approached them and tried to coax them out. He apparted them to the Ministry as Cassie stated that she had to talk to their boss. She had to close the case now.

She was stumbling as she reached the familiar dark mahogany door of the imposing office and she loudly banged her hands against its surface.

"Come in."

She opened the door before hugging it and loopily smiling. Her head rested to the side of it as her eyes half closed. Before saying... "It's Grindelwald. I know it is.  I have proof." While hiccuping. Theseus stared back at her along with the terrifying and opposing man at the head of the desk.

"Miss Triantafyllou. What do you have to say for your state?"

"That I am proudly drunk. I was interrogating. You are the one that says 'you must do everything in your power to get evidence." She said, dropping her voice several octave at the end of her phrase, before giggling to herself. A part of Theseus melted right then and there. She looked heavenly. The golden fabric compliment her slightly dark texture. Her hair was framing her face as it barely stayed in its place. A blood red lipstick was smudged across her lips. Her smile light up his inner world, before it came down crashing.

"I am sorry sir. She insisted and you know how she is when she puts something in her head." Thomas said from the corridor as he tried to get into the room. His lips were stained red from ... a kiss? For a terrifying secong, Theseus suspected that they must have kissed but all of his worries faded when he heard a familiar voice calling him back and Theseus could swear that the spirit departed from his body as Thomas turned to the right before accepting hungrily Minerva's kisses. Yeah, his friends were a mess.


"Yes, sir?"

"I trust that you will make right of this mess. And when she wakes up, tell her that she made the right decision. I may have been quite hard on her a few days back."

"Yes, sir. I will. Good night sir." He murmured before he approached her. She smiled at him as she fell on top of him, hugging him tightly. She started singing under her breath and he chucked fondly. He watched as Thomas lifted Minerva in his arms before he departed with a wide smirk on his face.

Theseus decided to walk her back home. He was scared that if he apparted it would result in her getting sick and also losing precious time with her. As they walked she started complaining about the moving pavement. Once they approached her apartment building he started shouldering her weight. She immediately moved to her bedroom ripping the heels from her feet and fell face first to her bed. 

"Theseus can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course, love. You can tell my anything you already know that."

"I think ... I think I love you." His world stilled at this three words. I love you. They were the words he longed to hear from her for years but they had come at the wrong time. He had gotten his accepting letter from MACUSA a few days prior and he had to leave tomorrow for America. He had been trying to find the courage to let her know but he always came up short. Tears slipped from his eyes as he apologized over and over.

"Darling, I am leaving." He choked as the words left his mouth.

"Where are you going? Can I come?" Dhe asked innocently, shattering his heart.

"No, sweetheart, you can't come with me. I am going to America for two months, minimum. There was this program... I got accepted and I have to leave tomorrow. "

"Oh, bummer." Yeah, he thought as he laughed sadly.

"Will you write to me? When you will leave?"

"Everyday" he said and he felt her shuffling closer to him in the dark, nuzzling her head in his neck as she started humming. Her leg tangled with his and he closed his eyes tightly as she started drawing shapes in his chest. His hand slipped around her waist and his fingers tangled with the golden dress that had roden up her thighs and rested precariously high. His mind was short circulating around the some thought and his heart was beating at an abnormal pace.

The whole night moved with a snail's pace as he held her in his embrace until the first light of the day breached through the cream white curtains of her bedroom window. He quietly slipped from under her. He brushed his hand in the strands of her brown hair and he admired the sight in front of him as the sunlight made her dress sparkle and her skin glowed. He placed a letter in her bedside table before pressing a kiss to her lips, to her nose, her forehead and the crown of her head. He smiled as she mumbled something before turning around and wrapping herself in the cover of her bed. He exited her house quietly and headed to the harbor, he had everything he needed for his trip in the small bag that rested in the right pocket of his coat. The coat that was stained to the seams with her perfume. He smelled the collar of it as the wind blew around him harshly and the ship let two loud sounds to mark its departure. And simple as that overnight he was gone.

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