The 100th Legion

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"What did you do?" She asked Graham angrily. Her face was heating up as she approached him.

"Nothing." He said nonchalantly but the foolishly smug smirk in his face betrayed otherwise.

"What did you say to him?" She accused him. Theseus didn't storm off of rooms. Ever.

"Nothing that important. I just wanted to get him jealous. I was simply working for you, my dear. If anything I should have kept up this facade with him for longer, but honestly his sad boy look doesnt suit him"

"And why for the ever loving fuck eould you do that?"

"Because I was right. Now what are you going to do? Just stand there accusing me or are you going after him?"

" I am not done with you." She threatened before she fled the scene. Her mind raced as she tried to track down his position and came up short. She headed for the woods it would be her best bet. Memories floated in her mind as she trailed into the dark forest.

It had been a year since she had fled the Wizarding world and became a fighter pilot. Her new name was Callum Backer. She had chosen the most used last name in England so to not raise any suspicions and she acted as a man. She had cut her hair short but not in the way that men cut it. They reached the end of her scalp in messy short strands. The haircut was not practical but it was the best she could fo with a knife as she cut her ponytail. She had been earlier at the Army fighting from the ground. But she realized that the change she wanted to do in the war had to come from the air. When she first asked for a transfer in the Air Force everybody laughed. She was a woman why would she know something so complicated as planes.

Well now she was one of the best pilots in the British legion. She was in the same base as Theseus and Thomas, both had weirdly not recognized her. Theseus though always scrutinized her as if he was suspecting something. Theu also used different names and she could notice some more familiar faces in the crowd but she couldn't name them and maybe that was for the better. No one knew her true identity and she wasn't planning on sharing that well kept secret.

That was until her plane had been hit. Somehow they had managed to get back to their base with just two engines instead of four and losing one of them a few meters away from their landing road. The whole flight had been a mess and when they crash landed in a wheat field just before she passed out from exhaustion. Her feet had yet to touch the ground.

Next thing she knew she was in the hospital wing. Her eyes were firmly shut. It hurt too much to open them. But she could hear voices. Familiar voices. Too familiar for her wanting.

"So what'd the matter with him?" Theseus asked.

"Well... how do I put this... he is a she. And apparently on her... um days of the month. If you know what I am saying. The extreme heat and exhaustion took a toll on her and well her body right now is at its weakest. She should be fine. She just needs to rest." The nurse said. She had sickenly velvet smooth voice that always seemed to attract the male attention. "Can I ask you a question? In hoe many missions had see been?"

"Around eighteen why?" Her commander answer. His voice was as hard as stone.

"Well she had some scars in her legs. Nineteen to be exact and I was wondering... "

"Dear God, she is cutting herself after every mission." Thomas whispered gravely. She felt restless, she was trying to move, she had to get back to her plane. She positioned herself upright, her chest was wrapped in bandaged as were her scars, she felt lightheaded as she opened her eyes and came face to face with three angry men. Their eyes had fallen to her figure and bundled up the sheets trying to hide but it was too late. They knew.

"I can explain." She felt tears gather in her eyes as she looked at the imposing commander across from her. "I know what I did was wrong and punishable. I take full responsibility for my actions. But I am a captain, a pilot and I am damn good at it. I have done many missions that were executed in perfection. My crew knows nothing and I take the blame, if anyone is to prison for ..."

"Calm down miss -"

"Captain." She cut his words harshly. " I am a captain, I have the rank, the knowledge and the experience for that title and you will address me as such." She noticed for the corner of her eyes Theseus smirking, had he put the pieces together already?

"Right captain. You have a lot of nerve and audacity to cut me off like that. I like it, we need more people like you in your ranks. Your secret shall stay between us. But next time you do something like that? You are off this base and probably in prison for fraud and theft of identity. Are we clear?"

"Right, sir. Thank you, sir." She whispered as he left he room and her gaze fell to her friends. She shyly smiled at them and Thomas smiled back before drawing her into a bear hug. He looked expectantly at his best friend that was sporting a furious expression and he dejectedly looked at her, pressing a kiss in her forehead and exited the room. Theseus had been wearing his pilot uniform that dark green one and that damned white sheepskin jacket that suited him so much. It brought out the depth of the blue that eesided in his eyes and made his pe skin slightly glow as it came with contrast with the thousand freckles that were positioned across cheeks and the bridge of his nose, she knew how many she had counted. He looked furious and she had never found someone looking more handsome than him at that moment.

"Have you lost your mind?" His voice was as sharp as glass. "You know we have been looking everywhere for you. I was going half insane with the stunt you pulled. Leaving like that in the end of the night. Leaving behind just a letter that says 'I am going to fight in the war. Don't follow me.' I didn't know if you were dead or alive."


"Do you understand how terrifying that was for us? For me? I thought I lost you. Do not do that ever again."

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"Oh I am furious but I know why you did it. I just wish you had let me know. I would have helped you."

Their reunion hadn't been the best to put it lightly. She and Theseus had been gifted with a three day vacation in London. That had been the first night they had had sex. They had been out drinking for the majority of the night and when they headed back to the hotel room they were staying. He kissed her. They crashed into the walls and doors as they tried to navigate through the halls without breaking their kiss. And once the entered the room he pinned her to the wall. The rest of the night was a mix of desperate kisses, hastily discarded uniforms and wandering hands.

~~~ AN: The next part with contain descriptive images of sex and I might have gotten carried away with it.... I am not going to say minors don't interact because most just ignore it and I will just say read at your own accord...

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