Broken Promises

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A few hours earlier

A light knock startled Theseus from his paperwork. He had been too engrossed in reading his new protocol. He wanted to be perfect in his first day in that position, when it would come. "Come in."

Leta poked her head into the room before entering. She smiled at him before sitting on one of his desk chairs. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Theseus. We need to talk." At her quiet voice Theseus dropped the papers on his hands turning his full attention on her.

"What is the matter, dear?"

"I think... I think we should call of the engagement."

"Come again? I am not quite sure I heard you."

"I said I think we should break this off."

"How came? Did I do something?"

"No, well yes. It's actually something you didn't do. It's all very confusing."

"I am not sure I follow, dear."

"You love her."


"Cassandra, Theseus. Don't play dumb with me. You love her, you do so irrevocably. And I am not quite sure I want to marry you either. I think... I think we had been too caught up in the moment. We do love each other and we do care about each other. Just not in the right way. Not in the way that makes your heart yearn for just one more minute. Not in the way that you can't seem to focus on anything else but them. Theseus we love each other but we aren't in love with each other."

Quiet commanded the room. They were starring at each other. Thoughts swarmed in his head painfully. Cassandra and her kisses, how his heart almost burst through his chest with a single smile from her. He was impossibly, irretrievably in love with her. Was he really that blind? Part of him always knew that. He just never wanted to admit that. He had only mentioned it once in the quiet of her room a few months ago and he had immediately regretted it because he feared that his stupidity had marked the end of their friendship. He always walked on a tight rope wire around her and it was so thrilling. He suddenly realized, he didn't want safe, he didn't want comfortable. He wanted adventures and quiet laughs in the dark. He wanted stolen forbidden kisses in the office. Watching her crack one case after the other, like the brilliant witch she was. He wanted her, he needed her, he loved her.

"You know I am right, don't you?"

"Yeah I guess someone had to hit me in the face with the truth to make me realize it. Leta... I am so sorry. If you truly want to break this uninion then you can blame it all to me. Say I cheated or anything that would let you come out unharmed from this situation. Truly I am..."

"Theseus. You do not have to apologize. I should have been more honest with you too. I ... I am in love with another. I won't tell you who. But please know that I haven't realized it until it was too late."

"We are both oblivious idiots, aren't we?"

"I believe we are." An unlike friendship bloomed between the two of them. And they laughed under their breaths at the problems they caused just because they couldn't unravel their own hearts. They truly had terrible timing.

Another knock sounded and they frowned at each other before an intern broke into the room. "Sir, you are needed in the French Ministry. There is a meeting.... about Grindelwald."

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