Crazy Masterplans

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An enormous book rested on her lap as her eyes scanned the page. In just four short hours she had learned everything about Gellert Grindelwald. The new threat of the Wizarding world. She had even sent a letter to a miss Popertina Goldstein, the leading Auror of his capture. It all seemed too easy to be true. She felt like she was falling into a trap.

"There you are." Thomas' voice startled her.
"We were looking all over for you. Between you and me, I think that Theseus took it a little personally. You know, running away from him. He stated he is giving you some time and space, whatever the hell does that mean."

"Yes, because you know everything about time and space."

"I feel like this is a direct comment for something I have not yet unraveled."

"Minerva mentioned something about her apartment." She could swear that his whole face lit up at the mention of his one true love, as he called her.

"Ah, yes. It is all coming together."


"My masterplan, of course." He said as he opened his jacket, before taking out two papers. One was filled with his unreadable scribble and the other was a picture of Minerva, laughing at the camera. He pointed at the handwritten letter, before rolling his eyes at me and he started explaining. "You see I have started spending time with her. In her apartment. Every time I left something behind. At the two month mark I had everything essential there. And in three years, she will ask me to marry her. I am secretly dating her... behind her back. She just doesnt know."

"Your plan is crazy."

"My plan is brilliant. It is already working. I am a man of patience, dear Cass. I have waited all those years and I can wait many more."

"I think that if you told her like a real person your feelings, you might already be dating."

"My sweet child, don't be absurd."

"I am older than you."

"By three months. And if I had to look in your love life for advice.... man is it collecting dust. Why don't you tell Theseus then how you feel?" I shoot him a hard look and he simply laughed. "You love each other, it is plain as day. Do something about it."

"It's not that easy."

"I know, kiddo. But look on the bright side. If he rejects you, which he won't, you will be able to move on."

"Are you alright? You are actually making sense."

"Shut it." Silence enveloped us as he look at the documents in front of me and he whistled lightly. "My God, you've been busy."

A small fire suddenly appeared in front of us and a letter materialized out of thin air. I hadn't expected an answer so soon for miss Goldstein. She was utterly committed and professional. I already liked her.

Dear miss Triantafyllou,
I am sad to inform you that your congratulations are not in order.

The criminal named Gellert Grindelwald has escaped from the confinements of his transport to a local prison a few days ago. My team believes that he had fled the country and many evidence point that his refuge will be Europe. I have been tasked to contact an Auror of the British Ministry and to hand over any evidence to them. I am choosing you to be that person. I looked into your biography and I am sure I am resting the case into capable hands. The files of the case are traveling to you and they are protected by Newt Scamander. A trusted friend. He shall find you in the Ministry in a weeks time if my calculations are correct. Please contact me again if there is any trouble or if you are in need of any help.

With kind regards,

Tina Goldstein

"Why do you think Theseus' brother is involved in this case?"

"I believe he was writing a novel, while travelling the world."

True to her word, someone delivered the files the next week at her doorstep. And two nights afterwards she had filled her billboards with people, their connections and many more stuff that could be useful. A name stood out. Gregory Higgins. He was a new intern, a stuttering mess and at the moment he was her leverage.

When she approached him, he almost spilled coffee all over her. Her now stained blouse was gladly sacrificed for her research. Theseus had been chasing her all day trying to figure out what the hell she was playing at. And to be truthful she didn't know just yet, but she planned to never tell him either. Her plan was a mess of wayward thoughts, waiting to be pieced together, to find their missing link. If she told him about her suspicions, he would most likely lock her somewhere until she started making sense. On the other hand, Thomas casually broke into her house claiming that he was following her absurd plan and he wanted to be a part of it.

The missing part of her puzzle eventually came from Theseus, himself ironically. One morning as they were lounging in a nearby café he blurted out that there was a party that one of the ginger haired interns had mentioned. There had only been one ginger intern this year. Gregory. This was her chance to make a move. She smiled wickedly to her cup as Theseus continued rumbling about his new vacuum. He was adorable when he did things like that. His hands would move around animately and his eyes held an intensity that reminded her of thin beds and muffled moans as the world around them came to ruin.  She missed those times. Even when the world was turning into ashes she had felt loved, peacefull and strangely happy. If she had to listen about his new vacuum eternally, she would do so without a second thought if it meant that he would smile at her they way he did just now.

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