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The sun hit her face harshly and she goggily blinked her eyes open. She looked around the room as she tried to register what had happen. The men abducting her from her room. Raping her, killing them. Her house, Theseus. She felt warm and somehow clean. She drew the covers downwards and she noticed that she was dressed. Her thighs didn't feel sticky but she could still feel them thr way they had been the night before. Her side was burning but the wound was closed. Stitched up with careful strokes of a needle. Her gaze snapped to Theseus. He was shirtless. Blood was in his skin, her blood. The sun light him up and she could make out the planes and the ridges of his body. His slight frown as if something bothered him. Something probably did. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and his hands were balled into fists. Dark circles were adorning his face. It was all so ... Theseus.

The water running and choked sobs was what woke him up. He hadn't meant to fall asleep it had just happened without his permission. He looked at the empty bed and he sat up quickly. Had he imagined it? Was it just a nightmare? His hands were covered in her dried blood. It was real. He moved towards the bathroom and cracked open the door. His heart broke at the sight of her. She was sitting in the middle of the tub, the water would be turning cold if it hadn't done that already. Her arms shook as she harshly scrubbed her skin. It was an angry red and he noticed her thighs that had been rubbed raw and in places had small dots of blood. He approached her slowly, trying not to scare her. But she didn't seem to notice.

Tears were running down at her face and it felt like his heart shattering. His hands circled her wrists and for a terrible second she flinched. Tears gathered in his eyes. He knew that he shouldn't touch her, he had expected such a reaction and yet his heart clenched painfully. He moved her hands away from her legs, and brought them to his face. Placing light kisses in her knuckles. Tears flowed down his face and gathered at his chin.

Her hands drew away from him and for a terribly long second  he feared that he had pushed past her limits. Her hands flew around him tried to draw him impossibly close. He entered the tub without a second thought. His clothes stuck to him like a second skin and she climbed on top of him. Sitting on his lap. He placed her head in beneath his chin and rubbed her back in soothing circles. Her arms tightened around him almost suffocating him but he couldn't bring himself to care. She needed to know that he was real, that he was here and honestly he was trying to convince himself for the same thing.

He didn't know for how long they sat like that. He knew that at the moment she shouldn't want anyone touching her, that the normal reaction would be to flinch at a close contact with a person, male or female. Selfishly though his heart burst with pride, she felt safe around him. Even after everything. He wanted to ask her what had happened? Who did this? Anything. He needed to know something. But he swallowed his questions. She didn't need this at the moment.

"You know,” He whispered at the top of her head casually. “You are one of a massively vexing and miffing friend!” She chuckled at his words, her sobs turned to hiccups that mixed with her laugh and his heart did a ridiculous flip at the sound. "Honestly, why must you give me a heart attack every other month."

"Oh, Theseus,” She relaxed her arms around Theseus’ board shoulders just a bit, making him smile slightly. “I know that you love me, even though I am annoying!” She joked, naughtiness and sarcasm were obvious in her voice. And for a second it felt like her world hadn't scrambled in ruins and ashes.

"I can't find him. He always seems to be one step ahead of me. Please let me help you. I missed you. Come back. We can figure it all out together." He whispered like they were trading secrets. He had to let her know.

"I figured you were going to say something like that.” It wasn’t a surprise that Grindelwald was able to escape. He was a great dodger, and he always had a solution to every obstacle in front of him. She then looked at Theseus and knitted her eyebrows together as she noticed that they were still sitting on the cold water and she slightly shivered. “I promise that I want nothing more than to come back. But I can't. I am on a mission. I promise I miss you too. And I wish that I could come back.”

"Why? Why not?" Anger and annoyance were hinted in his expression.

"I can't tell you. I am sorry." She whispered before she got out from the bathtub, grabbed a towel and headed to her room.

He exited the bath and he was seething, what was she hiding from him? Why? Thoughts swirled around his brain as he tried to make sense of her words. He headed towards the room. And it was empty. A small note was left on top of the bed.

Theseus. Please don't be mad. I know that you worry about me. But it is better this way. I have asked Dumbledore to find you and recruit you to his cause and he will explain everything to you. I promise I am doing the best I can. I miss you dearly. Please don't give up on me.


Thomas found him staring at the letter with a menacing look in his eyes. "You have to control your anger issues, do you know that?” He pointed out and Theseus just sarcastically clicked his tongue. He loved vexing Theseus, it was one of his hobbies. As it used to be one of hobbies Cassie's hobbies. Maybe her favorite. However, even though his anger issues towards others were the worst, he never had the courage to lash out on her. He used to wonder why she always had Theseus' favor, he never expressed his anger on her. Never.  Now he knew that it was because Theseus was in love with her. Just like Thimas could never stay mad at his Minnie for too long. Neither could Theseus at his Cassie. He looked at him with a dejected look before he drew in a calming breath and he started explaining to Thomas what had happened.

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