Familiar Faces over Letters

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"What do we know about him?"  She asked as she hurried her steps, trying to catch up with her boss.

"Spencer Potts. Does that ring a bell?" His stern voice answer and she winced at the tone of his voice. He didn't like that Theseus and her, his best Aurors had been late to work. It was frowned upon and since many gossips circulated the two of them it wasn't exactly the best course of action but it had been a mistake. One that she would make sure to never repeat.

"Yeah actually, it does." Why would Spencer turn violent? She wondered what could have possibly gone wrong in the past years to change him so drastically. He had been a fellow Ravenclaw, a head boy, they shared many classes together in all of their shared time in Hogwards. He was a familiar person and from what she recalled a non violent one. If anything he had seemed reserved and coward- like in the past.

"He has admitted to his crimes. And we shall not need a trial. But he claimed that he had vital information that he would reveal only to you."

"How did you catch him?"

"Your friend, Anagnostou, did. You see he didn't take his personal life into the work field." His hit was direct and meant to hurt. And it did. She had made a mistake, she acknowledged that. And she was proud of her friends success, but...

"Sir, Theseus and I just -"

"Scamander you mean. That is how you will address everyone from now on. I know that the two of you have formed a friendship. And I am very glad that you have someone to guard your back. I had my doubts when I first hired you, but you have turned out to be a valuable asset. But do not mistake my fondness of you to overule everyone of your misdoings. Am I clear? You know that many men would not give you the chances I offered you. You are a good Auror, one of the greatest I have ever seen. So if you want to lead a department such as this one in the future, put your act together. They are watching you like hawks, waiting for a mistake to latch upon and send you packing. Do not give them the satisfaction."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I won't."

"Good, now let's go." 

The interrogation room was a dark gray that seemed to vanish all happy things from life. It was cold and washed in a pale glow. In the center of the room was a table made of steel. It was freezing to touch. But what always unnerved her was the people that stared back at her, not the toom itself. One mistake and she could be terminating the life of an innocent, one mistake and she could set free a serial killer. Life and death, she along with her fellow aurors were the deciders of the end or the continuation of one's life. It frightened her to the core and that was why she always wanted to be prepared, to know that she was making the right decision. Azkaban was no joke, it was a horrendous prison that drove its inhabitants insane.

She tried to enter his mind but she was faced with a block. He made a sound under his breath before muttering " you know better than that."

"They tell me that you are a killer now. Are they correct?" He simply nodded. "Why would you do that? Have they wronged you in some way? Or were they strangers? An easy prey, perhaps?"

"Oh my dear, Helena. They were strangers to me, but not to him." At her confused face he elaborated. "He is the master of all things. The most powerfull wizard to exist. And he wants you in his army. I simply had to get your attention."

"A letter would have been fine."

"I didn't like killing them, if I must admit that. But it was for a good cause, for his cause."

"And the service in Azkaban is worth it?"

"Yes. Have you not placed the pieces of the puzzle together yet? He wants Rowena's favorite. And I simply delivered."

"Who? Who wants Rowena's favorite."

"That is for you to figure out. My time has come to an end I am afraid." Foam formed in his mouth and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let a deranged laugh, shouts were filling the empty space in the room but is was too late. He was too still to be alive. What had he done? Who was the mysterious him?

Her head spun as she approach her desk. Her ears were ringing and drowned out the sound of her friends concerned voices. Her mind moved in cycles. Was this mysterious man the missing G?

An owl landed messily in her desk. It was brown and the end of its feathers turned into gold. Minerva

Dear Cass,
I am going well and dreadfully missing you. The classes are in full swing, when Albus informed me about the position, I was skeptical. Who in their right mind would, in the middle of a school year, start teaching advanced charms classes whilst not having previous experience? The answer is me, apparently.

The kids are very eager for knowledge. And I begrudgingly admit that you were, once again, right.

As far for Thomas, I have stated to him that I am not into the form of dating in the moment. He seems to have taken this as a challenge. He has moved several of his belongings into my apartment and I even caught him scraying his cologne in my reading chair. I think he is trying to trick me into dating him and to be frank, I think it is working. You know that I dearly love him. But I do not know if I am ready.

I heard that the latest case you are working is quite gruesome. Theseus mentioned something about carvings and that was when I stopped reading his letter. He sounded worried. Worried about you, to be particular. He stated that you were working much later every day. Trying to prove something, to find a new lead. I will admit that this concerned me. Please when you finish this case, take some time off. Come to Hogsmead. I can sneak out every afternoon and we can spend time together.

Also you need to work on your penmanship. I know that you are busy, as am I, mind you. But my letter is triple in size to yours. Open up your mind and heart in the paper that is why we communicate this way now.

I hope you are truthfully doing well.

With tons of love,


PS: what are your thoughts about Grindelwald? Albus read a recent paper about his attack in the Americas. I swear to Godrick he changed colour three to five times before he rushed out of the room. I was hoping you might have had more information on the subject.

At the last paragraph, she felt the fingertips of her hands tingling. An attentive hand was placed in her shoulder slightly shaking her out of her trance but it wasn't enough, she quickly got up from her seat, sending her chair rolling backwards and she sprinted towards the elevator, while clasping the letter in her hand, heading towards the Documentation Department. Hoping to find there the answers she was seeking for her new lead. A wild grin stretch in her face as she walked to the reception.

"Hi. Could I have access to the Grindelwald file?" She said with a pleasing smile. Her day was just starting to turn around.

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