Spilled Tears and Newfound Purposes

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The rest of the day rolled by torturingly slow. The whole office seemed to be celebrating the new festivities. One of the Auror, a well liked bachelor was tying the know to his beloved Leta and not only that but it would be a matter of weeks before he was promoted as the Head of the Auror Department in the British Ministry. She had taken advantage of the festivities and snuck to Hogsmead after firing a quick message to Minerva. A few minutes later she burst into the room still in her teaching robes only to find her crying and having trouble breathing.

Her eyes were hurting. Her head was pounding. She had wasted so many tears that her pillow was almost drenched as Minerva stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

Her day had started as usual, walking into the Ministry and heading towards her office, working on her latest case. Some missing muggle-born girl, Margaret age 12, brown hair, stormy gray eyes. It had been almost three months since Theseus accepted a position at an Auror program. Only one person out of the whole department would be able to participate in it. That was how he headed in the Great Americas, leaving her behind.

But suddenly, he was sitting at her desk. And sure, she should have been delighted, and she was until he uttered the words. I am engaged. That was it. Three worlds were enough to shatter her hopes, her dreams… How? Why?

Her mind wandered back to their days in the army, fighting in the war side by side. Spending endless hours together as they piloted their aircraft. Kissing, sleeping together, losing themselves in each other, trying to drown out the sounds of the falling bombs with their heavy breathing and sighs, as wandering hands and mouths explored the expanses of each other. And then their return, agreeing to never mention it, but sleep in a shared apartment most of the time to chase away the nightmares that plagued them. To peeking from her eyes to his form as he left the bathroom, wearing a long fluffy towel around his waist, as it rested precariously low. Admiring the droplets that traveled and fell from the expanses of his body. Spotting the differences easily from the war time and now. He was more lean; his muscles still existed but weren't as prominent, more beautiful.

And all of it had to be left in the past. People always said that one sided love; unrequited love was the worst pain anyone could ever experience and as she sobbed uncontrollably in her best friend's arms, who had ditched a teachers meeting to be with her, she found that sentiment to be very true.

“Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?”

“He is engaged” she whispered in her shoulder, her voice scratchy and worn out from the emotional discharge.


“Theseus. He is engaged.”

“Oh, sweetheart.”

“And wants me to be his best woman along with Newt. All of that … for nothing, for him to love another.”

"Let's take this from the start, shall we?" Minerva told calmly.

And just as she repeated her encounter with Theseus rage started to swim in her. "All this time he played with me and my feelings? And he didn't even have to decency to face me, he didn't even have the bravery to tell me. "Hey you know what? I met someone and I think I love her. She was in the program in MACUSA." Was it that hard?"

"Sweertheart turn it down a notch yeah?"

"I don't want to Minerva." Her hands opened at her side and she heard something shattering behind her. She simply didn't care. "Why should I?"

"Cass, I know you are angry alright. But I need you to calm down, because you did something weird just there."

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes, sweetie. They turned dark gray and... and I think you moved those vases and broke them with a single thought."

Her hands felt weird and her whole body was buzzing with energy. She felt amazing, as if some deep part of her had just woken up. "Have you heard about something like that before?"

"No, no. I can't say I have but... we will figure it out. I promise. Now do you want to go and throw eggs at his window?"

"No Leta will probably be there and she seemed nice. And funny. And smart. Of course he had to fall in love with a lovely girl. Could he possibly love a troll so that i would loathe her reasonably?"  And she sighed as she fell to the bed without any glamor.

Minerva chuckled at her dejected tone before she whispered. "I said yes."


"Thomas.... he. Well we have been dating this past few months, as you know. You were right he does care about me, he doesn't just like the challenge. He likes me. He proposed last night. I said yes."

"Oh my God. Congratations. Ah, I am so happy for you."

"Are you?"

"Well, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" And Minerva threw the soaked pillow at her face, reminding her of her meltdown just minutes ago. "Good point. But it's not the same. I am not in live with you or with Tom. If you are happy then so am I. Can I ask though, did I miss a memo that said get married before you turn 35? Or is it just me?"

"Shut it." Their laughter filled the room and her heartbreak with Theseus seemed a million years ago. A new mystery unveil itself before her eyes and she was too intrigued to let herself wallow in self pity and her current torment with Theseus. "We can break into the library to find information about... that. It seemed like ancient ... " Minerva's voice trailed off as she got lost in her thoughts before muttering. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." She agreed with a wicked grin. They were going to break into the biggest magical library in Scotland. The one room that her and Minerva had spent endless hours in their school years. She could only hope that it would hold the answers they would be looking for.

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