Late Nights In

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Cassandra's POV:

Dearest Minerva,
I hope that Hogwards is treating you well. Do not be nervous you are a great teacher and even if it is your first year of actively teaching you will be splendid. You are the one that taught Thomas Charms so you will be alright.
Speaking of Tommy, how are things at that front?
I look forwards to your letter and I expect to have many news from you.
With love,

The days pass by slowly more and more people are found dead by the day. All of them marked in the same way, random Greek letters forming sentences. Until now we had ....

"Έρχομαι για εσάς" which translates to "I am coming for you."

"Θα έπρεπε να με φοβάστε" you should be scared of me.

And the most chilling yet.

"Είσαι έτοιμη, Έλενα?" which directicly means "Are you ready, Helena?"

They used my middle name, no one new about it, since it existed only on papers. I hid that message from Theseus but Thomas did knew Greek, his parents had been immigrants that traveled to the England in hopes of a better future. Their luck had been test with a magical child and well, him. Theseus despite his Greek name, didn't have any grasp of the language and maybe it was for the better. I didn't want him to be in any kind of danger because of me. I cared about him too greatly to do that to him.

Finally the weekend had rolled around the corner. Theseus and I were currently occupying my couch. The one that he had spent the better part of the last two years sleeping in, despite my arguments to use the spare room. He was sleeping, his face was illuminated by the orange light from the firework. His cheekbones seemed sharp and his lips held a pout. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever encountered. His whole presence had a peculiar effect on me. On the one hand, he calmed me down, his presence in my mind had been associated with safety, protection, happiness and love. But a few years back we had turned it upside down.

During the war, we had been stranded in a camp as hostages in one of our failed missions. Bombs had been falling all round us and in a desperate attempt to forget the cruelty of it all, we slept together. He had been loving and attentive. His body even then was protecting mine. His hands had traveled lightly on the expanses of my body. His kisses and his marks stained me from several days afterwards. That had happen many more times that I would like to admit. And then when we returned back from the front it was like a switch flipped and we were turned back to normal. What normal was, I wasn't very sure.

I missed him. I missed his touch. I missed my Theseus. My best friend. The person I could tell everything without a second thought. I felt like I had been walking on eggshells around him. He was acting differently, he hid things, he had become more stern and less carefree. And I still loved him all the same, I just didn't recognise him anymore. I didn't recognise myself either. I had become more jaded, more mean and ironic. The war had changed us certainly. Yet there were moments I hardly recognized my own person.

I didn't blame Theseus for not wanting to continue down that path with me. I was too hard to handle, too much to love. No one would want me longterm. I had made my peace with that for years now. People tell me I tend to get lost in my mind A bit too much. Sometimes I feel that I live so much in there that I am missing parts on the real world.

His soft snores echo in the room in a familiar pattern. One that could put me to sleep in any minute from now. I forced myself to stay awake. To spent on more minute with him. Hoards of memories came to my mind, the kisses, the hugs, the soft spoken secrets, things that would eternaly stay between just the two of us. For the longest time it had been the two of us.

“Youngest Aurors in 50 Years” and “Straight From Hogwarts: Triantafyllou and Scamander” and “Newest Auror Pair To Be Top of Their Field” were only a few headlines that had been appearing in the Daily Prophet recently. That was how the world perceived us. As a pair.

I moved to my desk in the middle of the room before placing a blanket on top of him. The case was hidden in my top drawer. I studied the pictures once again. All the victims must have been connected, but how? A pureblood family, two halfbloods and a muggleborn. All had different occupations and different social cycles as the research had shown. Besides the letters nothing betrayed a pattern. The pictures were foggy and they had the dates of each murder January fifth, January eighth, January twelve.

I counted under my breath
1,1,2,3,5,8,13.  No it wasn't a Fibonacci sequence. What was the pattern then? What did they already know?

The brutal strength suggest a male suspect. Medium height. Left handed and powerful. At the top left of the first picture was left a vase of  white gardenias. At the second shattered glass covered the floor. At the last the victim had been strangled with a golden chain.

Was that his signature? G? Was that the start of his name? Or was he trying to show, in his own twisted way, his admiration to this G person? Whatever the case, they had a lead. Theseus turned around in his sleep and I was snapped out of my trance. The clock betrayed the late hour. Finally satisfied with myself, I walked towards him, pressing a light kiss in his forehead as he mumbled incoherently in his sleep and I moved to my room. It had been an awfully long day, God it had been an awful long week. My eyes dropped with fatigue as I showered quickly before tangling myself in my sheets. A deep sigh escaped me as I tried to leave everything behind me and to calm my mind to catch up in the few hours of much needed sleep.

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