War Memories

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That night had been playing in her mind for years. Even now.

He had been more experienced than her. But maybe only slightly. The alcohol that coursed through their veins had been their trigger apparently to take thing further. She was currently laying in the bed, both of them were naked.

"Do you want me to stop?" His voice was several notches down than usual and muffled by her skin. He's teasing, she knows he is, but the way his grip on her tightens, the way his fingers press into the fat of her thighs so that he can tug her just a bit higher up on his own lap — it makes her breath hitch. Her body is tilted at an angle, her hips in the air with how he's propped her up on his thighs while her knees press in on either side of his waist.

One of his hands leaves her spine to squeeze the soft dough of her thigh before making a slow trail up, settling his palm over the thin cotton at the apex of her thighs. His thumb presses down softly against her clit through the fabric and Theseus watches intently as she lets out a breathy sigh when he draws a slow circle against her.

She still hasn't dignified him with an answer, opting to pinch her lips together as his thumb slips down a little further to press into the wetness that's begun to soak through the fabric, his finger dipping in and pushing cotton into her opening with it.

“Need me to make you feel better, honey? Is that it?” Theseus asks. The grin in his voice was audible, but when she blinked her eyes open to get a good look, she found him peering down at her with awe and hunger swimming in his eyes. When he catches her gaze, the corners of his lips pull up a little more and his thumb moves back to rub at her clit over her underwear, “Need me to make you a little stupid? Huh? Work some of that stress outta your head?”

Her jaw had gone a little slack with the way he was circling her bud with easy drags, knowing exactly how much pressure to use and what angle felt the best and- He asked her a question — What had been the question? 

“Huh?” She asks quietly, the sound half a question and half lost to the moan working its way up her throat.

The smile on Theseus' face goes soft and he leans forward to press a kiss to her cheek, right at the corner of her mouth. Her lips pursed and her chin tips up in an attempt to meet him, but he's already leaning back so that he can watch the drag of his finger over her panties.

The circles he's been drawing slowly, growing unhurried and leisurely. The movement of his thumb is agonizingly slow now and she huffs in frustration and moves her hips up in a silent demand.

“Alright, alright,” He laughs, leaning in to press one quick kiss to her mouth before he begins to make his way further down, leaving a trail of kisses along her jaw and neck in his wake, “Settle down. I got you.”

He makes a small detour at her chest to bunch her bra up at her collarbones, exposing her tits so that he can leave a cluster of bites on the supple flesh. She gasps at the sharper bites, keening a little, but he's already peppering kisses over the abused skin and moving farther down. His tongue dips out between his lips, the warm wetness making her squirm a bit as he moves in a slow line down her stomach. Lower, lower. When he reaches the waistband of her panties, he hooks his fingers under the fabric and pulls just a little, exposing the sliver of sensitive skin. She gasps again at the sharp sting of his teeth when they scrape harshly over her hip bones and her hips lift again on instinct.

Theseus takes pity on her and finally eases her underwear down her thighs. The tension is broken for a brief moment as he struggles to coax the fabric past her knees and around her ankles without dislodging her from his lap, a small huff of laughter escaping her when he curses quietly.

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