Jealousy Jealousy

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He didn't know how he had ended up in this situation. Well, that was a lie he knew exactly how he had ended up in this situation.

He and Cass were sitting in a large dining table as they talked and looked at a ton of files in front of them. She was pacing behind his back as she thought in a classic mannerism of hers and he hadn't realized just how much he had missed their little routine. He had been ready to tell her as much, when Minerva and Thomas got into the room. Minerva had been crying and for a moment she smiled as she laid eyes on her best friend before grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it over and over while yelling profanities. Thomas had been proudly standing at the back of the room and he pointed at her before saying "that's my future wife". They had put of their marriage for a while, until Cass came back.

Their reunion had been emotional to say the least and Minerva demanded to know everything. After they all settled Cass looked at him with those eyes and that smile, which prepared him to hear the words I need a favor.

"Theseus can you do me a favor?" Even if she hadn't been gone for so long there would have been no way he would have denied her anything.

So that was how he found himself with two pillows in his hands wrapped around with ropes and Minerva standing opposite of him with Graham. She had asked him to teach them basic muggle self defense. Minerva had been hitting the pillows focusing so much on the technique that her blows had no force behind them.

At the other side of the room Cass and Thomas were sparing as they laughed around and caught up in their lives. Lucky bastard.

"Okay, Mins. Imagine you are at a pub and a guy put his hand your thigh. Now I want you to-"

"Hands of my thigh mate." Graham proclaimed before he hit his hands. Theseus worked on instinct and hit him in the head and quietly laughed as Graham groaned.

"Well I want you to do that. Don't overthink it just do."

"Right don't think. Got it." She hadn't got it but it was okay. After a while she said that she was going to Cass and he let her. They needed some time together before she had to leave again. He dreaded the time that she would go again. He had just gotten her back.

"Hey don't eye up my Rory." Graham said and Theseus looked at him curiously. Was he meaning Cassandra? Because last time he checked her name wasn't Rory. "You know the play Romeo and Juliet?" Theseus simply nodded because he could see were this was going it his blood was already boiling. "Well, I am Romeo and she is Juliet." He simply grinded his teeth together trying to contain himself. Jealousy was an ugly feeling and it was rushing through his veins in lightning speed. "Do you want to know a secret? I can't eat. I can't sleep. I wake up some nights calling out her name. Rory, oh Rory." At that Theseus saw red, he untangled the ropes and let them fall to the ground along with his pillows before he stormed out of the room.

"Theseus" He heard Cassie call but he ignored her as the cold air hit his face. He needed to cool off now. His mind drifted off as he remembered the way it used to be.

It had been a cold December evening when everything happened. When the tides to their story turned. And he had been drunk off his mind the night before after celebrating a bit too hard in the Ravenclaw Tower with the rest of his classmates. He had a raging headache and Cassandra sat be his side rubbing his back while he puked his guts out.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

He lightly shook his head. He couldn't bring himself to utter a word everything was still pounding.

"Well you were drunk. So I sat with you, we talked and then we kissed..." she whispered trying not to upset his head. But her words registered to him faster than they should have. He did remember kissing someone the night before bit not his life long crush.

"That was you?"


"Was it... nice?" Embarrssment filled his veins and he was ready to apologize for his fordwardness but he heard her laughing.

"Yes very nice. Not at all crying material." She said as she laughed and a sudden boldness erupted in him, maybe the remaining alcohol in his system.



"Want to try it again?" He said jokingly but a deep part of him wished that she would say yes.

"It was my first kiss." She whispered.


"I am glad it was you."

"Same here." Silence filled the air and she looked at the clock at his bedside table. She had to go.

"Well... bye Theseus"

"Oh my dear. The sun shall guide you-"

"Bye Theseus." She said chuckling at his antics.

"Did you get the novel thing because I- " He carried on regardless.

"I said goodbye." She kissed his forehead and exited the room as he softly whispered to himself.

"Beacause I have been reading more just because you like it."

He thought fondly of that memory. She had been his first in everything and hopefully his only one. He had always been scared to take the next step with her but he couldn't stay any longer with the way things were. He had to tell her the truth. He had to. Without noticing his feet had carried him in the spot deep in the woods they used to go when they were little. She would be the only one who would come looking for him there.

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