Drunk in the Galas

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They spent the rest of the week reading over  past spells. Thomas had taken his days off too, he spent the days making them food and snacks as he helped them practice spells. They had fallen into a nice routine. She had missed spending time with them. And that was when they received the invitations to a gala. To appoint and celebrate the retirement of their old boss and the promotion of Theseus Scamander, the war hero.

The reception was beautiful. White, gold and black intertwined with each other as the candlelight illuminated the room. Theseus had pushed back his hair and at the crook of his arm was Leta, his wife to be. That was when she drank her first shampane in one go. She approached them as she quickly recuperated his hug with a heavy heart. She was walking on a thin line.

"Congratulations, miss Lestrange on your soon to be nuptials. I look forward to your wedding."

"You must be Cassandra. I have heard so much about you. Thank you for your wishes."

"It is simply my pleasure."

"Cass, can I talk to you for a moment?" Theseus said in her ear. She turn at him before she nodded and followed him to the edge of the room. In that little trip she drank two more glasses of shampane. "I know you have questions. Rightfully so. Please do let me explain."

"You have nothing to explain, Theseus. I thought that we were friends but apparently you do not. Because if you did you would have written to me about her. "

"I couldn't. You know why. Please if you just-"

"I am sorry, Mister Scamander. I can not be your maid of honour to your wedding." She could she the exact moment her words pierced through him. Good, he should feel the same pain she did.

"I am sorry if I am interrupting." Cassandra looked at her saviour, which came in the form of a short bold man that had chubby cheeks and spirited eyes. "Congratulations Mister Scamander for your promotion and your engagement. May I steal your friend for a dance? If you do not mind of course miss."

He didn't wait for an answer as he drew her close  and onto the dance floor. "I must say I always expected him to be more protective of you but alas you seemed to be in need of saving. I am Albus and I believe you are my new member in a five person team."

"What? Dumbledore?" She whispered and he smiled while he span her around.

"In the flesh. Well not my flesh exactly. It is polyjuice. I have your first mission in order should you accept it. But be warmed it will be quite dangerous and you could ruin your reputation." The strange man gave her a long look before he open a small drawer in his mind and offered her a glimpse of his plan. It was just like he had said dangerous but at the moment she felt formidable. She could do anything.

"I accept."

"Good. In your two o'clock stands Graham Malfoy." He said as he spun her around. Her eyes griefly scanned the crowd. She noticed Theseus staring with a scowl. Thomas stealing the ridiculously small snack from the counter. And a gorgeous man with white blond hair. He was smiling lazily at his companions. He appear well liked and funny, while guarded and ready to fight."He is your ticket in Grindelwald's ranks. I hear he is looking for a wife and that he is forced to follow him. I have been trying to contact him but to no avail. He might just be what we need. I am afraid our dance has come to an end. Should you need anything you can send me a fire message. You shall also find Rowena's headpiece in your apartment. I believe you were looking for it." He said and shot her a wink before bowing and walking out of the room.

She felt dizzy. She hadn't meant to stumble upon Malfoy. It had been an accident "I am terribly sorry. It seems I have consumed more alcohol than what I can handle."

"Do not worry, miss. I seem to be in need of some fresh air. Would you like to join me? I hear Liam has an excellent garden."

"What a splendid idea." Dumbledore had been right he was likeable and just what she needed at the moment.  He light up a cigarette and he blowed the smoke away before asking.

"Why have you been drinking miss?"

"My.... ex... he is in the party."

"I hate exes."

"Why are you drinking?"

"Same reason." He had one of those voices you wanted to hear forever. It as deep as Theseus' but his somehow seemed more melodic, more attractive, it was possibly an accent. "Tell you what. Screw the pig. Who cares either way? It's his loss." He said with a flirtatious smile as he crashed the butt of his cigarette in tray and he looked back at her. She had been wearing her most expensive dress, her most revealing one too. It was the colour of the night sky it parted in   her left leg while also leaving her back uncovered. She search his eyes for something. Lust, hunger anything. But she came up with nothing. She wasn't attracted to him either if she was going to be honest. "Do you want to get shit faced drunk?"

"Yeah. Absolutely."  What was she going to lose either way?

"Want to sneak in and drink the best firewhiskey Uncle Liam has in his winery?"
She nodded before he grabbed her hand and they started moving in the mazelike hallways. Laughter spilled from them in waves as many people called their names but they just sped down the halls. When they finally got there he removed a plank from the floor and presented her with a square bottle filled with an orange brown drink. He filled two glasses and they counted down from three before they threw their heads back in union. The liquid burned insanely but it was good, she need a way to forget in the moment. And he presented her just that in a silver platter.

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