Workplace Environment

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Twenty years later

"She's late."

"Relax, mate. I am sure she is fine."

"She is never late. Something happend."

Theseus and Thomas, were sitting at their shared desk, having an opened case file in front of them. But their eyes were glued to the door. Thomas knew of his best friend's infuration with the currently missing witch, he was constantly watching her, flirting with her; Hell he was pretty sure they had done the what shall not be mentioned. But they never acted on their feelings. The best two Aurors of the British Ministry were in love with each other and they pinned after the other silently. During the First World War they had all served in the army, ignoring deliberately the strict orders from the Minister to help at the front, to help Muggle families such as his and Cassie's.

Theseus and Cassie since then they had been impossibly close, even more so than ever before. He knew that many nights of the week Theseus slept in her apartment, in the small charcoal coach that didn't even fit him and his knees dangled from its armrest. Studies called it PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, in this case they had been so close to lose each other multiple times that they couldn't be apart from each other for way too long. They had been high-ranking pilots, completing one successful mission after the other, but they had suffered greatly too.

A few minutes after seven she come in running, her long legs hitting the ground in sure steps as the sound of clicking heels echoed in the hallways. Her hair was blown around messily. She wore a pencil skirt that hugged her thighs and a smart suit of deep blue, Scamnder blue, which she didn't know, but always made Theseus' heart stutter.

"Sorry. Sorry. I know." She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Is something the matter?" Theseus asked as he closed in on her, his face had an openly worried expression that she immediately scowled at. It seemed funny to Thomas, how his calm friend always lost his cool around her, how she affected him. He always seemed more light and happy around her. He was a half a head taller than her and with his broad shoulders and tall frame it seemed like he would shelter and hide her entire being with his presence but if you asked Thomas who was in charge in their weird unprofessional relationship it would be her.

Theseus was fussing around her and Thomas watched the scene unfold in front of him with a fond smile. They deserved happiness and they were destined to be together ... or he owed a huge debt to Wilson, another Auror that was eyeing her up.

"Tommy? Can you tell your overbearing man child of a friend to calm down?"

"Can you tell this obnoxious woman that I was worried?"

"I told you, there was a problem in the bank. Now can we work on your case? We have already lost precious time. Which can distinguish -"

"Life and death" they finished together.

"There has been another attempt."

"How do you know?"

"It's the same pattern and this time they left this behind."

A black and white photo was at the center of the table. A family was laying to the ground looking lifeless and their bodies had strange marking in them. Letters, she quickly realized.  It was a gruesome attempt to make them drop the case, the way that they were carved seemed to be by hand, so they could possibly be dealing with a muggle. It could have been a considence ... or it wasn't. Because the mother's face was stoic and her wand was clasped around her hand, she knew the attacker.

They had been a pureblooded family, their luxurious house betrayed as much. Her eyes turned to the two little girls, the older one had stepped before her little sister trying to protect her. She felt for her, she promised justice for them. The scene was clean as they approached the house in their small unit. The person who did this was calculating and had planned this beforehand. Whoever the criminal was they emitted danger.

Her eyes scanned the room once again, her eyes catching at the sight of her friends interrogating the neighbors. They formed a good team. She looked at the paintings and noticed another girl slightly older than the other two. Had she gotten away? Was she captured? Has she the criminal? Questions floated around her head as they usually did in a new crime scene.

No, it wasn't her. The cuts were made by a lefthanded person. In the picture she held her wand in her right hand. The letters in the bodies were precise and misplaced deliberately. For which reason she couldn't yet decipher. 

"Well, they were a huge help." Thomas called sarcastically as he entered the room.

"What did they say?" She asked them as they examined the room.

"That they didn't hear a thing." Theseus answer as he approached the family.

"Yeah and I am a hippogriff." Thomas fired back.

"Silencing spell?"

"Could be."

"One of the daughters is missing. The rest of the crew said they didn't find anyone else here. "


"Do you think - "

"No it wasn't her."

The room was naturally light, huge windows were placed in the walls. White curtains flowed with the current of the air and they were splashed with blood. Her eyes stung as she tried to delve into their minds. They may not be working any longer but she had been taught to use her gift to see their last memories. She rarely did that thought. Cassandra thought that it was an invasion in their privacy and that she was disturbing their peace. But at the moment she didn't have any other choice.

She was faced with blocks in the parents memories. They had been placed there, the aura of that magic was different and unbreakable. The little girls were easier to reach. They jaunt fully developed their skulls and so no one could taint them. Their young age hit her like a knife in her heart.

They had been playing in their room and they sneaked out trying to reach the kitchen and steak such cookies, when they heard their parents voices.

"Vinda please, don't be absurd."

"I am not father. He will be our saviour."

A man was standing at her side, he appeared so suddenly that the girls, slammed the door that they had been peaking from into place. They had betrayed themselves. They tried to run away but it was too later. A green flash was the last thing they saw as the screaming of their mother reached their ears.

The Rosier's. Vinda, she remembered her. She was a couple of years older than Cassandra. A Slytherin that had the whole school under her heel.

"Are you alright?" Theseus murmured under his breath. His scent engulfed her. Expensive aftershave, parchment and gunfire. A scent that brought back all the memories she tried to keep hidden back to the surface. Concern coloured his voice and his hand was grasping her wrist. Counting her heartbeats to make sure she wasn't about to faint. As she used to do when she first started using this type of Legilimency. "You are as pale as snow."

"I am fine." She told him with a confident smile. Trying to mask her nerves.

"Do you know what it says?"

"Έρχομαι" I am coming... why would someone choose this phrase? Why Greek? Why her language? Was it a deliberate message for her to decipher? To scare her?

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