Goodbye, my love

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A great word with a powerful meaning. She had never been interested in it before. At first her grades and then her goals had been her priority. Her mind always worked so hard that she never had time for something as complicated as love. She liked the idea of being in love, and being loved. Quickly she realized that it was more complicated than that.

It wasn't her intention to fall in love with Theseus. She guessed that was the reason of her hiding it. Cracks had started to show between them. They were arguing more and kept most of their interactions professional. Lies and secrets clouded their friendship.

And as she woke up, her head pounded in the aftermath of a hungover. She tried to recall memories fron the night before.

I love you.

I am leaving.

She jolted out of the bed and she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked horrible. She quickly changed to a pair of dark pants and a light shirt hastily throwing on a coat and speeding through the streets. Her coat flowed behind her and she tripped at pretty much every corner, but she couldn't slow down. Every minute she wasted she could lose him. She entered the Ministry snapping doors behind her letting them thud, ignoring all the scoldings and mean looks that were fired in her way, she didn't have time for that.

"Theseus... he ... portkey?" She could barely form a coherent thought, a coherent sentence.

"Miss Triantafyllou" a voice called from behind her and she snapped around so fast she almost broke her neck. Urgency coloured her every action. "Mister Scamander refused a portkey.  I believe he chose a muggle form of transportation."

The harbor, of course. She started running again before she heard him calling out, while laughing. "I would suggest apparting there, it would be quicker that way."

God, when did she get so stupid. She wanted to blame it to the hungover but in reality her mind never properly functioned with any Theseus related issue. The docks were gloomy, the scent of rotten fish reached her nose and she almost gagged. She pretty much slammed into the ticket office. Before calling "America... ship .. today." Her breaths came out in irregular patterns and the poor woman seemed almost frightened of her. She didn't blame her on the matter, at the moment she would have scared herself if she hadn't been so preoccupied.

"It leaves at noon." The raven haired woman answer her with a polite smile. It didn't make sense why would he leave so early if he was supposed to travel at noon. Except ... kf he had already left.

"No no.... this morning. Was there another ship this morning?"

"I am afraid so miss. If you -" she didn't stay any longer. Theseus ... gone. Why hadn't he told her? What was be so afraid of? That she would be jealous? She could never be jealous of his success, if anything she would be the first to cheer from him.  I love you too. He hadn't sound really happy to admit that. Had he been running away? From her? The walk back to the office was much shorter from what she had anticipated.

Her desk was uncharacteristically empty of files and documents and she laid her head in its surface. The cold wood calming her pounding headache for a second. She missed Thomas strutting into the office while whistling merry tunes.

"What happened, girl? A few hours ago you were the embodiment of happiness. When did your ships fall out between five hours?"
She groaned at him and his poor choice of words, but that did not seem to stop his rumbling. "I am good thank you for asking. Minerva... not so much. She puked sooo much, but we bonded. It was pretty much retching sound, me cracking jokes and her telling me to sod off. Overall, I call it a success, because later we cuddled. I am telling you, I am working her defenses down. I can feel it."

She glared at him and only then did he notice her trembling form, her dejected look. He started worrying, at no point in his life had he seen her like this. He had always been closer to Theseus. And he had known her through him, the great Cassandra he never stopped talking about. What had happen? She sniffed as she said. "Theseus is going to America."

"Good for him. I hear they have lovely beaches and you know how much he loves swimming. Why would you be sad about that?"

"No Thomas. He will stay there for over two months. Only God knows if he will ever come back. What if he meets someone and forget about us?"

"Oh please I am unforgettable. He and I we are like sticks and stones." His tone had changed though. His happy facade was slipping. Why didn't his best friend tell him that he was leaving? He knew that he must have had his reasons but it still hurt his feelings.

"That's not a saying and I am sure you are irreplaceable. It's me I am worried about. I said that I love him and he had to answer with I am leaving. Why would he do that? Why didn't he tell us?" At the moment she hated herself, as tears ran down her cheeks. She was in the office, goddammit. She had to pull herself together now, or else ...

"He won't forget you. How could he? You are all he talks about. I am pretty sure he is carrying a picture of the two of you everywhere he goes."


"Yeah, so put on your big girl pants because the others will be arriving any minute and you have to look fabulous for the meeting."

"Miss Triantafyllou. Could you possibly step into my office for a second?"

"Yes, sir. Right away." With a deep breath she headed into the spacious room and the door closed behind her loudly. Several men were positioned around the room, unfamiliar faces swam her vision until her eyes landed on a familiar person. She hadn't met her, not in person but she knew of her. Madame President Seraphina Picquery was looking at her. Her blood stilled in her veins. Why was she here would she be fired? Executed for stealing, not intentionally, an apple when she had been five?

"Your honor, this is the Auror I was telling you about. Miss Cassandra Helena Triantafyllou, one of my best, if not the best. I believe that she will be the best fit for your  mission."

"Yes thank you, Liam, you may go now." He simply bowed before he exited the room. Liam. She used his first name. And he didn't even bat an eye. "Please Cassandra, sit down we have many things to discuss."

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