Behaviour Analysis

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She had days to get a confirmation from Dumbledore. A message or even a sign. Days turned into weeks and she simply couldn't stay still. So she investigated and profiled people in her head. She would pay close attention to their mannerisms and the way they held themselves. For example, the man sitting in the corner of the room stood hunched and played with his fingers, always  straightening himself when his wife approached. He was cheating on her with the ravenhaired woman at the other end of the room that every other second shot longing looks his way. It had been a game she had invented when she had first arrived in Hogwards and she could barely understand English and magic. This way she would keep herself interested and she was filled with pride when she made a true observation, later in her twenties she would learn that this would be the way to identify a suspect. But all that was before she had been paired with Minerva in Potions in their second trimester and had stuck together ever since. She missed her so bad.

This kept her interested for about three hours. She had been looking for some useful information but the only thing she came across was who was sleeping with who apparently, though Graham would love this piece of hot gossip.

Vinda Rosier approached her and said something in French. She knew that Cass couldn't understand the language and had done that on purpose to anger her. And man was it working. That woman just wanted to seem better than her in every way. She knew that she had begged Grindelwald to be his right hand. In reality she was a no one, just an obsessive power hungry girl that wanted to look superior when she wasn't. She hated her guts since day one. And she would be her next target. That bitch would die by her hand or so help her God she would go mental. She even knew the perfect way. Stranggling, so that her annoying voice would cease existing first.
"Malfoy is looking for you and Gellert waits in the pantry."

With a fake smile Cassandra lifted herself  from her seat and promptly walked off. She found Graham just outside the pantry. He was moving his leg rapidly as he waited for her. Once he noticed her he smiled softly and wrapped her in a hug, placing a sweet kiss in her temple. It had taken her some time to get used to his affections and not to cringe when they made contact. Now she actually liked them but her heart didn't seem to race and settle the way it did when Theseus hugged her or kissed her head. Graham rubbed her back soothingly as he whispered in her ear. "I think that this is it. His end game. Be careful sweets."

With that they parted ways and they moved  in their separate ways. She took a deep death and calmed her mind before she pushed the great mahogany doors open. At the sound of their rusty hinges, he looked at her and smiled.

"My dear. I was waiting for you." He motioned her to come closer. Her body recoiled when he placed his hand in her shoulder and she tried to shake off the dreaded feeling that settled in her bones. "As you might know the elections are fast approaching." Her face scrunched in confusion. Was that it? The elections? Yes they were important but she didn't see why he would bring it up... unless. "I plan to be a candidate."

"Sir, with all due respect. You are fugitive to the Ministries of Magic. The most wanted wizard at the moment. I didn't see how it would be possible."

"Oh, but it will my dear. Do you know the legend of the Qilin?"

"Yes, the Qilin is the best judge of character. And it would only bow down to the most true leader."

"Yes. A baby Qilin is what we need."

"They are quite rare."

"Indeed. But there is not something that I can not do."

"Why are you telling me this? You dont trust me."

"You are clever miss Triantafyllou. I give you credit for that. Not many people in our time possess that ability. I am telling you because I want to test you. And because I want to unsettle Vinda. She is getting over her head. She needs a ground check. And I believe you are the best one." Great, another reason to battle Vinda. Just what she needed. "That is all. You can go now. If I were you, I would expect a very angry miss Rosier, any second now."

With a breath of annoyance she exited the room the sound of his laughter accompanying her to the long halls. Suddenly someone grabbed her arm and threw her in closet.

"Well this is comfortable." She commented sarcastically. "Honestly Vinda, this is a bit pathetic, don't you think? I mean how long you lasted a several seconds before attacking me. Your obsession is getting out of hand. You should get looked at."

"Shut up. What did he tell you?" A sharp blade pressed into her side. A threat but an empty one. The blade was positioned in the side that wasn't recently wounded and she couldn't care less about one more scar. Yes it would hurt like hell bit it would be worthy.

"You know we bonded over our shared hatred about you. Turns out he can't stomach your guts. Who knew we had so many things in common?" Her words were meant to hurt her and cause a reaction. Vinda pressed the blade in her skin unapologetically and hot blood rushed out the pierced skin. Once she felt the liquid staining her hands she realized what she had done and she threw herself out of the closet and fled the scene. Coward.

Cassandra drew the knife out and quickly put pressure on the wound. She had to find Graham. She slowly walked towards their shared room. The halls were weirdly empty as she heavily leaned on the familiar halls and barged into the room. Graham was sitting in the bed looking over some reports and he paled when he saw her stained shirt.

"What happened?" His voice shook with worry and her heart slightly clenched. Maybe she shouldn't have come here but he was her friend and she needed his help.

"Vinda." She didn't explain further and she looked around for a first aid kit. "Do you have stitches somewhere?"

"Yeah maybe. Just give me a second." He looked frantically over the room as she removed her shirt. The gush was small but quite deep and from what she could tell it haven't affected any vital organs. "I don't have any. I should take you to the hospital." He said as he turned around and his eyes fell on the wound, he lost all his colour and leaned heavily in the wall.

"Hey Gray. I need you to take me to Hogsmead."

"Why? Hogsmead?" His words were faint and his body shook. She had to remind herself that not all people were familiar with violence and wounds.

"Just do it please." He wrapped her in a coat and apparted them in the entrance of Hogmead. They had to walk towards the Dumbledore residence. Aberforth was the one that greeted them. He immediately materialized a first aid kit and walked them in an empty room before allowing them some privacy and letting them know that Albus would join them shortly.

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