(2024 Update)

39 0 0

Um first, Hiii......
Im sorry. *cries* Ok now we're done with apologies. I'm 19 now, wowww.
Yeah you're not interested about that .

Sadly, I won't be continuing this story since I have already forgotten about it and I can't stomach reading it...Please tell me you're also weird like that.

A little update about my life is in the conversation section when you click my profile. (If you're interested about rickets cases: BreadSpecialty ) You can message me there. 

Again, thank you for loving this novel, it's been a wonderful experience and I'm glad it happened. *Cries* I love you all. 

Did I copy this from my other novel, yes I did. But it's still me writing it. Also  thank you for reading this novel and goodbye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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