❇Chap 25❇

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"♪ Burn it up! ♪"

Mother': smells smoke Rui what's burning?!

Rui: Oh... I burnt my toast. Looks at mom sadly My breakfast... Sad violin played at the background.

Burn it up!

By: Wanna one.

Enjoy the chapter!

Aqua's P.O.V;

C-continue on where we last off...

It has been three days since I stayed here in the castle. The king and queen didn't mind that I stayed with Ange who is still not waking up.

Today it's another morning where the maid will come in and scrub Ange's body. The last one scrubbed her body to hard that her skin began to turn red. I told the couple as they gave the work to another maid who seem to be a good job, if she doesn't speak out her thoughts while doing her work.

She even cussed. If Ange her that she cuss in front of me , she'll be limping on the ground with her pool of blood. But being the sweet and kind person I am , I chose to kept quiet.

[Can you believe it?! That f#cking brat , acting arrogant and being a known it all!] -Maid

I released a sigh as the words spit out from her mouth.
'There goes again...' I thought as I let the maid continue with me noticing a figure on the back of the door.

[Like.. What does he think's he is?! The King?! Laughs sarcastically.] -Maid

Anō maid may I tell you that he is... The future King since his the oldest in the Royal family. After a few minutes the maid finish and went out as the figure drop down. I stood up from my seat as I went to the door , I pull it making the figure fall from the back.

I only stare at the boy who seemed older boredly as he stood up and wiped his tears. He let out a fake laugh.

[Hahaha sorry for bothering you. I didn't mean to eavesdropping.... I- I'll be in my way then....] -Boy

He told me as he walked through the hallways. Seeing his back fading every minute I went inside and sat on the brown chair. I felt bad for him.

My eyes travel to Ange's unconscious body as bead's of sweats form in her forehead. I narrowed my eyes as I went to grab the cloth , placing it on her forehead.

Suddenly her eyes opened, widen from shock as she sat up from the bed with me yelping from surprise. She then panted as she turn her head left and right checking her surroundings then her eyes land on me.

In a blink of an eye I was engulfed in a hug. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't worried because the next thing I know that she is crying. Something that I never expect her to do since I met her. She was a calm person in and out though she sometimes will get a tinsy lazy but seeing she's crying because of a nightmare making me wonder about her past.

I rubbed her back as I shush her like she did to me ....

slowly the hiccups and the sobbings stops for a while. As she untached her body from mine not noticing that I miss her warmth.

Ange's P.O.V;

I wiped my tears and snot on my sleeves as my vision began to improve seeing that I was in a large room full of beds with Aqua. Feeling confuse I look at Aqua for an explanation.

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