❇Chap 8❇

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Anyone here is an iKON fan? (What do they call their fans tho♥)

Unfortunately, I'm not but I do love this song. The title reminds me of my childhood song.

'Love Radio'. Was the tittle. Maybe that's the title my memory is quiet hazy.
Ange's P.O.V;

-Continue on were we left off-

I ignored the thought of not knowing the color of the elements and just gently placed my hand on the crystal ball. That's when it glowed very bright that it could blind one's eyes!

I shouted my eyes tightly as darkness greeted me but it was lightened by seven glowing orbs. 'What's this?' I asked myself.
I touched the one in the middle that's colored Dark Blue that seems wobbly and my hand just went through it.

I try to hold it with my palms this time. The orb suddenly makes a pop sound as the water washed over my palms. I was amazed that I didn't notice my hair was glowing (?)

I also touched the others that were colored Crimson Red (Fire), Light Blue (Ice), Brown mixed Green (Earth), Light Yellow (Lightning), Void Purple (Darkness?) and Pure White (Light). Some of them turned into what I expected like fire and earth (It dropped dirt on my palm "-__-) and also light.

The others just went into my chest. Now I'm feeling pain in it because of that. Is this the saying a weight on the chest? No(?) okay sorry. So I've confirmed that I have the basic of attributes
Earth, Water, Fire, and Light.

After a couple of minutes I noticed that my eyelids are getting lighter. Ah! My eyes are opening.


Ange's P.O.V;

My eyelids opened as I saw the two guys in front of me. The pedo (Duke Reinhard) and the Old man. I can't believe I'm saying this but 'I've missed you both....somehow....'

I saw their worried faces as I blinked a couple of times. I heard then talking about something but I ignored it and got up. Yup, I was on the ground. The old man helped me as I thanked him after that. He then smiled and went to the now broken crystal ball.

The glass was shattered and dropped on the floor. My eyes widen and looked at the Pedo with nervous eyes. He noticed and told me...

[Oh! This. Is nothing, I can buy another one though but this is my first time seeing someone broke it....even shattering it to pieces.] -Duke Reinhard.

I didn't hear the last one quite well but chose to ignore it. I saw the old man came back with a long scrolled paper in his hand. I raised my left eyebrow because the old man looked shocked and his skin was pale...

'I wonder if he's okay...'

I mean, his old so it might be possible that his sick or even worse. The old man seems to notice my eyes of worries and simply gave a short sweet smile. He then looked at the Pedo with the eyes signed 'We need to talk alone.NOW.'

I only sighed and went to exit the room not before bowing to the both of the elders.

[Thank you for accepting my request Duke Reinhard.]

And simply run off to nowhere.
That's when a hand pulled me to a blind area. I was shocked but calmed myself down and grabbed the hand back making a twisting position as I smacked him down. I heard a groan of a kid as take a peep between my blonde hair.

I saw a boy that looked older than me by a year with charming brown hair, creamy colored skin, a 'V' jawline, and Pinkish red sharp eyes. The boy seems to be more than a noble since he was wearing an attire that looked fit for a royal.

He seems to notice me and looked up, glaring at me viciously with those Pinkish Red eyes. He stood up and rudely grabbed my head! And begin to put pressure on it.


Does this world doesn't have manners at all? I kept quiet as I fume in anger mentally.

[What's was that for you spoiled bra-...] -Boy

The boy seems to stop at his words and his eyes are wide open. 'I'm not an alien to just stare at!' He released my head and seems to be in thought.

-After a couple of minutes~♪-

He seems to be snapped out of his thoughts as he shakes his head side to side. He also scrubbed his eyes and kept looking at me making me irritated.

[Heh, since when did your hair become this brighter? Did you dye it....]

With a snort at the start, he pointed a finger at me while telling that I dyed my hair.
Excuse me, but this is my original hair color. If you gonna hate it, I'll burn you with my fire attribute.

He then came a lot closer entering my personal bubble.
His pinkish red eyes are the only thing I could focus on.

[How weird I didn't remember you became this skinny...] -boy

Umm, I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you very much! I was thinking to step back but he then grabbed the front of my bangs and placed behind my ears showing my whole face.

His eyes seem to widen more when he saw my blue eyes...
He then took a step back and whispered to himself.

[Odd... I thought her eyes were purple.]

Purple? Ah! Does he mean the spoiled girl that hurt his own siblings? Hey! My appearance and hers are very different Kay?

With that, he again took a whole step closer making me feeling his warm breath. With eyes that seem threatening me and a cold venom voice making you shiver to the core...

[Who are you?]

Well, confirmation of kids in this world is more dangerous than adults. Agree?

I chose not to answer as we stayed in this awkward position for a long time but I guess that was a bad choice.

[W-what are you doing with my fiancée?!]

How cliché...

To be continued...

A/N: O Genki Desu ka Reader-chan/Kun(s)?

So that's the revealing of Ange's magic! Yay!

Eh? You want to know if it's common or legendary?

Ehhhh~ maybe in another chapter that I hope that you still be there. That's all for now.

Matane! ♥

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