❇Chap 2❇

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↑ just stumbled to this song. I admit it's good. Though I didn't understand with the title, 'Anpanman'
Enjoy my chapter.

Ange's P.O.V;

ahhh~ I died. It's also the same date at that time. Well, can't wait to meet them at heaven or am I going to hell?

I didn't commit any sin that could make me go straight to hell though but there's this one time I accidentally read yaoi manga.
That's not a big deal right?


Also, where am I? Right now I'm in a somewhat landscape a white one at that. Not one of those dark void ones. I walked around for a bit. Wait...

I can walk?! Also, I can see?! Wow am I really dead or am I just in a coma.

[Hehehe~ dear child you are dead. ] A chuckle continues with a voice full of kindness and affection said. But the words are too blunt!

Wait, where did that voice come from?

I looked around left, right, up, down and still didn't find the voice.

[Oh dear. You don't have to search for me. My face is kept hidden from all mortals.]
The voice continued on.

So then your God. The wait isn't obvious Ange?

[To answer that question. Yes, I am the one that all mortals called me, God. Though my name would not be stated since it was also kept hidden and unknown.]
The voice who called himself God told me.

I nod as I kept asking him question. Such as...


Am I dead.

[Haven't I told you already?]

Does hell and heaven exist?

[Yes they do dear child.]

Whose the strongest God there?

[There's only one God dear child and that God is me.]

Will I meet my family in heavens?

[I can't be sure if you even go to heaven.]

Does reincarnation exist?

[No it doesn't. Sadly. ]

[But I want to give you a mission.]

What kind of mission?

[Be one of my angel's and I'll send you a mission.]

And what if I denied?

[Then you straightly will be sent to hell.]

Blunt aren't you.

[The answer?]

Since this is a 'do or die' situation I'll accept.

[Great. Then I'll prepare th-]

But what kind of mission?

[Huh? I'll tell you when you arrive there. Now...

Have a nice trip Ange-san.]

Eh? Then a black hole appears on the floor. Yup, a nice trip. I then fell in the hole with endless screaming of fear waiting to reach the ground safely. But...

It's somehow like a slide. Or more like when Alice fell from the rabbit hole in the Alice in Wonderland story. The difference was this hole was dark not like the fun and silly rabbit hole in the story.


Well, I hope there's cake at the end like in the story. I then waited for a few minutes but it's still never coming. This is one deep hole.

Then a bottle with a purple fluid fell from my head. I capture it with my hand as I checked it out.
There's a small paper with the word Drink Me written beautifully. Ahhh~ it's like in the story but if I drink this that I'll shrink right?

But there's still another chance that it'll be other than that. I make my last decision and that is
Drinking the purple fluid.

I opened the small bottle cap as I bring out to my mouth. The purple fluids flowed in my mouth through my throat and to my stomach.

Ah! I didn't shrink. So it is something else. But what is it?

Then a small mirror coincidently fell and hit my head. I held the small mirror as I saw my reflection. I wish I had water to spit it out form shock.

I did shrink, my tiny hands and legs and head. No more like my age also shrunk. I was a fully grown 25-year-old lady and now I'm a 5-year-old?!

But my hair wasn't that long when I was at this age.

Then I felt a bit drowsy.

Oh no. Now that I'm a kid. Kids always feel tired at times like this

My eyes closed slightly as I tried my best to stay awake but too late.....

I was already in dreamland.
Dreaming sheep and goats around me.


To be continued...


A/N: Minna I'm here again! How was it my first chapter?

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Love you all~


[About the cover: it was suppose to be transmigrated but... I'm surely a 60-year-old grandma stuck in a 14-year-old body(||| -w-)

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