❇Chap 28❇

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By: Winner.

Enjoy the chapter...


Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

I was spending the night at {Kurø Fōrēst} so I build a shelter made out of woods , twigs , rocks , etc. I was already in dreamland when suddenly this pink eyed fox destroy it.I was furious and plotting my revenge but fortunately for the pink eyed fox Aqua had come out from the insignia as he held me back from attacking him. He is not just rude but also weird , first he destroyed my shelter and now is asking me to form a contract with him.

I declined the offer knowing that if I have more than one beast than I'll be the center of attention. With that I had decide to walk off with Aqua but...


I shouted as my body sweats and my eyes widen from shock. Aqua is on the ground with his back hitting a big rock as blood bleed from his head and mouth. I heard him groan as I went to help him but I can't. A force was holding me , thats when I look down and noticed blac- no shadow arms holding my legs. My own shadow to be exact. This makes me more scare the link eyed fox was a dark magic user.
I cussed under my breath as I plan my escape. That's when a light bulb had turned on and I was dumb enough to think that throwing multiple pebbles of rocks will work.

I heard the pink eyed fox snorted at the background seeing me throwing the rocks. The pink eyed fox gave me a mocking smile as he said with a snort.

[Snort Hah! Will you think that'll work?! Please it's dark magic nothing could possibly ev-] -The jerk pink eyed fox

Before he could finish his words the arms un-grabbed my leg while I sweatdropped . 'Didn't know that will work though...' I thought as I then ran towards the unconscious Aqua leaving the pink eyed fox still dumbfound.

Once I reach there I casted a weak barrier to protect him. The pink eyed fox seems to have snapped from his thoughts because he was attacking me like a madman with those black balls. Fortunately I watched Naruto in my past life so I dodge every attack and make him more tick off.

Suddenly I felt that the half of my mana had somehow dissapear making me think if he stole some mana from my body as I felt weaker and Aqua was still unconscious. But how I thought my mana was suppose to be locked? I asked myself before I lost to my drowsiness. I-I can't let him get the best of me...

Wih my last drip of mana I used Water Manipulation but the water than suddenly turned into ice as it freeze the pink eyed kitsune's body. My eyes widen as I saw that I have unlocked a new ability but it was understandable since I've been practicing using Ice magic.

With the last bit of my mana wasted my eyelids slowly turned drowsy as I slept on the ground.



It was summer and the sun shone making the earth having a global warming. A little girl was sitting on the sofa watching the news, the person in the TV kept advicing them to stay inside .

The girl was weird out becasue everyone was sweating hard at school and she was nonetheless was the only one who doesn't show any reaction to the heat.

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