❇Chap 5❇

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Again I was stumbled upon with this song. +Energetic+ Also I guess it was inspired me to make this chapter.
Love you all!

Ange's P.O.V;

I saw the two beast ran at me with red eyes glimming evily . I readied myself as I continue to stare at them.

Until they were two centimeters far I landed a high kick on the head of the first wolves that arrived before the other. The high kick also contained +Energy Boost+ so it was a big impact.
I think?

The wolf landed on the ground as it hitted it's back by a tree as epals fell on his head. Wow what terrible luck. I sensed the other wolf getting near and was going to claw me on the back with his silver sharp claws but before it could I held his hand and still get her. It scratched my face as blood flow out.


Arē. I looked up to see the little white haired boy calling me with a worried look. I smiled as I continue the fight. I did a twist with the Wolf's hand as I smacked it down with +Energy boost+ . The monster instantly fainted. I would not think I'm OP.

After every monster was defeated I tied four of them together with a vein that I found nearby. After that I tried to think how can I get both of them up there to down here.
It was a bad idea to put them on one of the clouds.

My wings are still injured and I will fall if I use it right now. Then I imagine my wings to appeared. I tried to check the injury if it was badly hurt. I squinted when I saw many blood oozing and dripping from the tips of the wings. Suddenly I heard a sound of horses.

I looked up to see people ridding horses. The people were actually guards depends on what are their wearing So the Pedo didn't leave his sons , that's glad to hear. They then stopped in front of me as suddenly sword were pointed at me.


Wait did they think that I'm their enemy. I just freaking saved two boys from those monsters that is beside you!!! I glared at them as I see that they all shivered but one guard whose brave enough to ask me a question.

[W-where's the young masters?!] -Guard 1

I stared at him with a nervous look as I pointed my finger above. They all at the same time looked up and saw the white haired boy waving his hand with excitement. Sweatdrop

Then they all shouted a loud [EHH?!] Even birds that was resting was scared and flew from the scene. Yeah.

Then another guard asked me with a tone if disbelief.


Correction. He was stuttering while shouting at me. Dude I'm a five year old and I'm not deaf!
Also to answer your question...
Isn't it obvious.

I looked at him with a facepalm face as I pointed at my wings that was still bleeding. They all stare at me if I was some alien from another planet.

Wait I am from another planet.

Then I heard a gasp as a tall figure came running at me. He looked to be 14 and has femine features that people could mistaken him as a her.Also maybe because he was wearing a nurse outfit but with pants.

He had light pink silky hair that covers his right eye that was coloured blue that held a caring and calming emotion, his nose was well made so was his jawline , plump lips coloured a beautiful soft pink colour.

I know. I'm a bit jealous. Continue on. He then carried me as he ignored the other guards that was gapping at him. The teen putted me on a log as he rumaged through his white aid box and took out a bandage and a ball of cotton.

Firstly he told me to turn around so I did. He wiped the blood with the cotton gently as he kept asking me if it hurts. Then the unexpected thing happened.

He uses magic!

His hand that glowed a bright light as a symbol appeared on his hand. I could feel the pain resides as he then put the bandage around my wings. Ahhh~ I feel better.

[There. Now feel better?]
He asked me with a soft tone as he gave a sweet smile. I also smiled at him as my eyes were sparkling and with enthusiasm I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek though I have to fly because of our height difference.

And bowed as I thank him. Then I decide to help the guards next.
I slowly flew up to the clouds as I held the boys hands and bring them down. The guards hurriedly bombared the two boys with question forgetting to thank me.

Sigh. Well better continue my journey. I began to walk away when I heard one of the guards called me.

[Nē girl! We were ordered to bring you to the manor by young master.] -Guard

I stared at him for awhile as I looked at the little boy. Ahhh~ did he tell them. Sorry but I did say I didn't want to come back to that pedo's place.

I shakes my head signing a 'No' as I then decide to start walking but automatically stopped when I heard these words.

[You can ask anything you want!]

It wasn't from the guards nor was it from the little boy but his big brother. Anything huh?

I can use this opportunity to know my magic!

[Then I'll come!]
With a face full of determination I walked to them. The two boys were putted with the guards on the horses and I was ridding with the pink haired nurse.

I admit I enjoyed his company.
The aura that he let out was comforting like a mother's as I started to doze off....

To be continued

A/N: Minna-san konbawa! How was the chapter? If you liked it then feel free to leave a vote


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