❇Chap 9❇

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I promise you.....
I make an update! ;)
[God this song is my jam! Daehwi is so cute~]
Slaps Get it together Rui!

Ange's P.O.V;

[Who are you? ]

With a charming face and expensive clothing. A stoic expression was given to me. Glaring cold eyes and a dirty frown.

I kept my calm but began to move when I heard an ear piercing scream.

[ W-what are you doing with my fiancée!]

Well hello there death. I turned my head to where the scream came from and saw the bratty girl with the little white haired boy tailing behind.Also with two adults , a married couple walking towards us. Their faces was shock mixed with surprised and a hint of anger except for the two adults.

When they saw us in this position.

[Oh my! I didn't know that's your type of girl.] -Adult Woman.

The boy in front of me was surprised and kept opening his mouth to speak but at last can't. I took this chance to back away as I secretly ran off to another place but obviously they caught me.

[Stop in your steps young girl.
And come here...] -Adult man

Me respecting my elders rolls eyes walked over to the man that has black hair. I hunged my head high as I looked at his blood eagle eyes, clashing with my blue ones or was it green?

I ignored the thought as I look at him with a serious face. His face was also stoic like the boy. I see some resemblems here. Perhaps this two adults are his parents?
Snapping out from the thought I didn't notice that the man in front of me had turned a new mask.

Straight lips curling up, eyes begans to sparkle like a child , and an aura of excitement oozing out of him. I sweatdropped as I linked my tiny arm with his that has been helding and shaking out for a while. Thankfully I didn't shake with him :)

He let's go my hand and hurriedly with full enthusiastic he putted both of his hands on his waist and with a 'Ho ho ho ho.....' Like Santa Claus.


Back in earth at North Pole...

[ACHOOO! Oh dear I wonder who's talking about me? Better put him/her in the naughty list...] -Santa

[Ho,ho,ho,ho How are you doing child?]

I blinked a few times and rubbed for a bit checking if this the real man from before. He seems to be more energize I wonder what makes him like that? I shakes my head as I reply to his question.

[I'm doing great today Mister......not until he came.... Thank you for asking.] -Ange

And with a calm voice and a proper ladylike posture I answered him ending with my sweet,sweet smile. The man only laughed and the woman behind him was surprised and also smile with eyes closing looking like she was thinking of something.

I ignored and stare at the Pedo's children. The bratty girl was glaring at me like crazy! I can imagine her hair floating up like Medusa. Waaa~ scary I shivered as I take a look at the little boy.
It was the total opposite.

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