❇Chap 12❇

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♪~ Cookies and creams, sweeter than sweet, Chocolate cheeks , chocolate wings , I can't speak Korean, nan molla...

Bitter bitter~ dance ridiculously

Sorry Kim Nam Joon (?) But I almost laughed at your nickname , RM (Rap monster) If your a Malaysian you'll understand why~

And if you don't in our country our money is called RM (Ringgit Malaysia) and I heard that he's the ulgiest in the group but... Those boys in our school looks like lobsters to me and who are they to judge the cutest leader looks!

Ange's P.O V;

As always continue on where we left off...


I began to walk forward as I ignore the stare from the people and the points and awe looks from them. Am I that pretty? I thought to myself as I continue on my road. After squeezing out from the crowd I finally made it to the fountain as I mentally fist pumped.

-Your so hardworking me!-

We need to compliment our self time to time ya' know. I then climbed up the fountain to search for the library ignoring the Weird stares by the people. I turned my head to right and slowly turning to left. That when my eyes spotted the targetting words.

A pastel purple coloured building with a wooden door and a tiny Bell hanging. With a big board written in bold letters.


Making me smiling more when I saw the 'open' sign on the door. I climbed down from the fountain as I ran towards the library direction. Yes run. Not looking to where I look at but the towards the library direction.

Surprisingly I didn't bump to anyone and I'm happy with that. I walked up the stairs as I reached towards the doorknob. Hearing the bell making a 'dingling ding' sound I opened the door wider making it creak.

From the buzzing sound of the town folks to the quiet as a mouse library. I whispered a I'm coming in under my breath as I went in and carefully not making a sound. With just one step the smell of old books reaches to my nose. Ahhh~ the smell of horror

I looked up seeing many big bookshelf line up as a sign was putted showing the category. I searched for magic and history of this world. With my tiny legs it took me an hour to walk and search.

I've finally found it and searched for a spot to sit. There were many seats but all of them was occupied. Surprisingly there were no kids at my age but only teenagers and adults. This shows that kids has no interest in studying or for nobles/royals they have a tutor.

I searched for an empty sit, that's when I reached at the back. The last table was two seat with a man sitting beside a empty sit.
The man looked like a teen wearing glasses. A nerd? Perfect ! Beside him was a tons of books with him holding a math book form 5. Making me thinking he was seventeen years old.

I pulled the sit beside him and sat on the chair. Making sure I was quiet as a dead person I read it mentally. I first open the magic book since it looked thinner than the history book.

Definition of magic? I skipped this part and some others since we know what is magic. Right?

I stopped until I reached in how to use magic.


How to use magic:

Using magic is simple as it determine on how much is your MP and Hp. There's two types of how to use magic.

1) Chanting magic

It's chanting spells using (cliche) words (that are freakin long) but the words can be shorten (if your smart enough to shorten it *snorts)

2) chant less magic

(Do I have to explain? The word less from the sentence?!)

Chanting the spell in your mind without moving your mouth.

(Simple right?)


I skipped on another page and continue to read.

Ignoring the teen beside me completely...


(Apparently there's also levels for each of your attributes)

The max number is 100. But it's also risky if you held more than two attributes with maxed levels.

It could burden the body depending on the person's mana pool. The last genius was Elgard Vivian the ex-king of the West Kingdom. He was known to have an unbelievable amount of mana and possesses three attributes that are almost reached 100.

Until he reached in his late 60s. With all of his attributes reaching 97-99. He suddenly died in the hand of the assassin that was from the east Kingdom.

The West Kingdom took revenge and killed Angelina Gabriel the youngest duchess from 2 elder sister from the east Kingdom. She was pampered by her parents and fiancée, the first Prince. but surprisingly she didn't grow up spoil but only very stubborn.

Moreover she was known for her angelic beauty. Silky brown hair that looked soft to touch , light pale skin as if like snow damp with Light pink cheeks, a straight nose , full kissable red lips and oceanic blue prideful eyes. Making many men's ask for her hand in marriage but was met with a punishment by a certain someone.

She was a beauty known throughout the kingdom. Unfortunatey she died young by the hand of the assasian that the West Kingdom sent. Driven in anger her fiancée became King with the girl's sisters helping.

-That's when the 20 years war began-

But eventually stopped with one rule. The people of the kingdom are not allow to visit the enemy Kingdom even if their are your family there.


Angelina Gabriel

Must be a sweet woman. Her name is a duplicate of my past mother's name. My past mother was a soft hearted person and cries a lot but she's very short tempered (He too was a temper , he too was the link too the second world....slaps self)and stubborn like a child. I thought as I release a happy sigh.


I've closed the book and began to read the second one. About creating the chanting magic (cliche) lines. Since I have a photographic memory , I've only flipped the pages really fast since there was no time.

Since I was the school vice president in my school days. I earned the talent by reading all those complains by the students.
The President didn't even helped me! I thought as I kept flipping the pages in a speed that could beat koro-sensei Mach 20 speed.


Karma: Ah! Koro-sensei someone had beaten your record~

Koro-sensei: EHHHH?!!!

Shouted koro-sensei as he dropped the hot takoyaki on karma's face. After that Karma pulled out a gun full of BB bullets and there's goes the 24 hours fight.

Nagisa: sigh I wonder if I should help koro-sensei?

Kayano: smiles wryly J-just leave them be....They make up somehow....

Said kayano as nagisa and her watched the fight while sweatdroping.

To Be Continued.

A/N: Hai~ Minna-sama domō! I've finally finished Chapter 12 with my blood , sweat and tears!

I've finally finish it. Anyways feel free to leave a comment of what you think?

And a vote if you liked/enjoyed the chapter ~♥

That's all ~

Thank you for reading this book!

Bye-bye ♣

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