❇Chap 22- 23❇

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°• Peek-a-boo •°

Enjoy the chapter ~

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off....

Shadow's that where duplicate of me appeared as they line up making a horizontal line as they follow every move I did. It's a technique I've picked from a certain Anime in my past life but I'll leave it for you to guess.

Shadow Clone: create copies of the user or their tools , the technique could only be use for the people who had darkness magic. Though the standard Clone technique hasn't exist till Ange did it. versatile, often used to distract enemies or fool them into thinking they have landed a hit on the user.

Rosetta eyes widen as the villagers gasp knowing that I have Dark magic. A cursed attribute that everyone feared a long time ago. The reason was it's because the last user killed his/her relative to earn it from a demon.

Once the user earn the magic she/he will live alone as all of her/his relatives died , the corpse was feed to the demon's minions. It'll send a shiver on your spine when you thought the blood being splatter around your face and body.

The user also be feared and caged if he/she use the magic for bad intentions. So I'm probably going to be feared at the end of the battle but it's okay since I don't really want to be in the spotlight but being hated is also another thing. 'I wonder if I be feared or just cast away?' I thought boredly.

Now continue with the battle. Rosetta was scare that she shoot many fire ball's on my clones. 'She panics to much...' I thought as I mentally sweatdrop. One by one they turn into dust. Leaving me but....

Third Person P.O.V;

The villagers gasp when they saw dark magic that only appear once a thousand years and was feared by all.

Slowly the dome turned dark as they look at the mistress who kept shooting fire ball's at the clones as they turned into black dust as they float up and covers the hole of the dome that shone sunlight.

As Rosetta kept attacking and the clones vanished as the dome became dark. Everyone was anxious seeing the light slowly slipping away. The villagers was scared at the darkness as some of the fire user's light up the dome same goes to Rosetta.

Now the dome was dim as Rosetta searched for her opponent since she dissapeared in front of her. Her violet eyes in wary as she looked at all derections but no sign of the petite silhouette.

The villagers notice this and whispers to themselves.

[D-did she ran away?]

[What?! Now way that's against the rules!]

[Tch what a coward....]

[I wonder if she kill her family since she has dark magic?]

[ Is this the saying of 'A demon behind the angelic mask' ...]

The boy with angelic like beauty could only narrowed his eyes knowing the young girl was hiding behind his fiancée. He could only smirk as he only lay back at his sit as he watches the young girl entertain him.

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