❇Chap 20❇

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Though it's an old song(?) but I love it.
Introducing Mic drop by BTS!

Enjoy the chapter/...

Ange's P.O.V;

Continue on where we last off...

I hope you didn't fell asleep during my •° science class •° because I'm not going to repeat what I said about me not wearing black dresses. Now ignoring the preview let me tell you the reason why I had come to °• Mahou Village °• or also known as Magic village.

In the books that I've read it's said many powerful trained wizards came to be more powerful than before making their mana pool even larger , maxing their levels of attributes and died because they couldn't handle all of it or just lost control.


Out of all those wizards only one stood victorious and that is the most powerful person on earth God. I don't even know if God was even person. But it said in the book that God had dissapear from the earth.

Me and Aqua entered the village hand in hand like children as ventured through the interesting village. Their were many merchants selling magical items such as healing potion , Energy boost potion , staffs , magical orbs , crystal balls, etc.

Since Aqua had ran off to the food stall I had decide to go shopping luckily the food stall was beside the shop that I'm going. The shop owner was a nice old lady who was sitting in the bench while knitting some sweaters using magic.

I could only smile softly at the grandma's hobby as I searched for an item that many reincarnaters died for... A ring.

Not just any ring , a ring that could hide half of your powers and make you not stand out. I was desperate to find that item. I founded the ring section seeing many decorations to choose from. It was tough since all of then were cute and looked cool.

But only one that catches my attention. It was a silver ring with a Bluebell flower on top of it as golden leaves making it more appealing. I kindly asked the shop owner that I'll buy this one but she kept asking questions like.

[Are you sure about that? ]- grandma

And I always replied casually with a smile.

[Yes.] -Ange

Since the price was 2 silvers , I gave the perfect amount of it as she putted the ring in a small box tied with a blue ribbon. I only chuckle at how the grandma tried her best to make a ribbon but I helped her instead of just staring.

I bid my farewell as I went to look out for Aqua who was surely eating. I searched and searched until I found a strand of soft snow white hair. I smile and went up to him as he soon notice me and gave me a hug , also asked me if I want to try out the food he had bought.

Surprisingly it was takoyaki and I didn't expect that it had been created that early. I continue my walk with Aqua as we decide to visit the library that I'm pretty sure that it will be packed with magic knowledge! My eyes slightly sparkle as I thought about that. Since we didn't know much about the town , we asked some people who pass by if they know where it is.

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